Brianna profile picture



About Me

Okay... About me... well I'm one of the most contradictory of persons you could ever meet, I'm a prep, I'm a nerd, I'm a jock, I'm a good girl, I'm a bad girl, and I'm pretty much everything in between. I'm also a tomboy/girly-girl, don't ask me how you can be both, but I just am. I love sports, I played a lot of them in high school. I Snowboard, picked that up last winter, and actually became somewhat decent at it. I'm a realist for the most part, but occasionally I like to escape from the real world through books or just losing touch with the outside world. I love coffee and penguins, shopping, and random road trips. I'm a bit on the silly side... just a bit, I like to goof around and laugh, love to laugh. If I laugh a lot in the day, its a good day. I have a very optimistic outlook on life and I do believe in fate. I'm not very moody and I'm generally a very happy person. What else is there... I'm a college student again, enrolled for classes again this summer at a local Vermont college, which means I still get to bum around a little, Yay! I'm smart, but for some reason I hide that fact a lot, probably because of the fact that when I was younger, it seemed to alienate people a little. Instead I act like a dumb blond a lot... I guess it works... Anyways... there's tons more about me, but I don't feel like writing a novel on myself just yet.
this is deep and silly!
do you love yourself?: for the most part
why?: I like my attitude, I like my legs, and I like my path in life
what truly inspires you?: people
do you write poetry?: nope
is three days grace one of your favorite bands?: nah, but they are good
how beast do you appear at the moment?: huh? confused...
sooo, what is your cell phone number??: not telling!
is one of your favorite expressions "peeping tom"?: err... not quite
have you ever lied *gasps* to yourself?: haha, umm, yeah actually
do you smoke?: not at all
are you really your natural hair color are you actually a red head?: umm... I'm not my natural color right now, though getting close
what is up with all of the conformists these days?: I don't know man... they be whack! haha
when you tan, do you prefer to be nude?: depends on inside or outside
what is up with that shoe on your foot?: what? there's a shoe on my foot?
whats your poison?: amaretto sours right now, yummy!!
well are you a silly one or not?: haha, yes I'm a silly one alright
but you're a tad bit insane right?: nah, not really
do you know the color of other people's intestines?: shouldn't it be flesh colored?
what did you eat this morning?: nothing yet, just coffee
well, are you going to eat more or be in denial?: I will eat a little later
are you a sceneeee kid?: a what? I'm guessing no?
what is your current problem?: I don't know what I'm going to do once I graduate...
isn't the wilderness spectacular?: It is :-)
do you laugh as loud as you please?: yes I do
do you make them want to hate?: umm... sure...
do you make the lonely feel at ease?: maybe?
do you put the bitches in the right state?: the who? are you talkin' bout my knockers?
do you breathe when you see a "familiar" face?: hmm...
do you keep your head held high?: yeppers
do you smile as if everyone is in the right place?: sure...
living life to the fullest? - dont lie.: trying to
did that sound good?: umm... sure?
who is your favorite celebrity?: Johnny Depp
what's your view on hippies?: I respect them, but really... is it that difficult to wash? maybe get a haircut?
do you drink?: on occassion, but not often. Mostly just a drink after work
are you open with most people?: nah, I keep to myself for the most part
what is you main focus in life set on?: what will make me happy
so how about that britney spears?: What about her? She's unhappy, like that one crazy male?Female? said, leave her alone
are you homophobic?: nope
are you racist?: nope
how about prejudice?: nope, except about a few minor issues...
what stores do you shop at?: hmm.. Ecco, Banana Republic, Bella Funk, Charlotte Russe, or whatever I feel like at the time
why?: Because I like name brand jeans, and I like variety
are you in love?: nope
what is your favorite color of bouncy balls?: blue!
why so?: I like blue
am i abnoxious?: I have no idea.. are you?
did i spell that correctly?: nope, obnoxious
have you ever not eaten because you thought you were fat?: nah... I'm pretty skinny actually
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A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Brianna Lee Batson
Birthday:: March 15, 1987
Birthplace:: Algonquin, Illinois
Eye Color:: Greenish
Hair Color:: blondish
Height:: about 5'6''
Weight:: about 125 lbs
Right handed or Left handed?: right handed
Your Heritage:: european descent/caucasian
My Worst Habit:: I shop alot, I procrastinate, I'm lazy, and messy
Zodiac Sign:: pisces/aries
Shoe Size:: size 9 :-(
Pants Size:: ranges from 26-28 or 2-6 depends on designer
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: yep, and still going strong
The Shoes You Wore Today:: hmm, I wore a few pair, Red suede heels this morning, black suede platforms afternoon, grey leather heels tonight, and running shoes
Your Weakness:: chocolate, sleep, and nice clothes
Your Fears:: failure, zombies, and pain
Your Perfect Pizza:: mmm... flavored crust, garlic, pepperoni and sausage, stuffed flavored crust pizza? yummmmm..... slightly greasy but not overly so, flavorful sauce.... oh boy!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: besides buy my new snowboard I put on layaway? pass all my classes with a B or higher
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: I actually don't use instant messanger anymore...
Thoughts First Waking Up:: god damn it! ....should I skip class today? Nah... gotta go to class...
Your Best Physical Feature:: my legs without a doubt, maybe my hair...
Your Bedtime:: around 11 on weekdays, later on weekends
Your Most Missed Memory:: hands down swimming in my lakes in Michigan
Favorite color?: Blue
Food?: hmm... really good food, duck is really good!
Sport?: football
Animal?: penguins and dogs
Ice Cream?: mint chocolate chip, but also depends on my mood
Candy?: dark chocolate
Store?: hmm... boutiques that carry my favorite designers, no particular fav.
Salad Dressing?: caeser is good, maple balsamic also good, Hate ranch!
Actor?: Johnny Depp
Song?: too many to pick just one
Letter?: B
Number?: 4 or 15
Gum?: orbit sweet mint
Holiday?: Christmas
Season?: Summer
Toothpaste Flavor?: crest sweet mint
Radio Station?: don't really listen to the radio, but maybe 99.9 or 91.5
Perfume?: ralph lauren "wild"
Scent besides perfume?: chocolate or fresh brewed coffee
Body part on the opposite sex?: arms, back, chest... toned
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: no idea
How Do You Want To Die?: happily in my sleep, before I get too old, maybe 75 or 80
Turn ons:: masculinity, strength, nice smell, good body, well dressed
Turn offs:: weakness, passiveness, poorly dressed, sloppy, carharts
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: hmm... hard to say...
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Jaime
Who Have You Known The Longest?: welp, I'd say Danielle, but she lives way in Michigan, and I'm in Vermont
When Have You Cried The Most?: hmm... when Rags died was awful, Grandpa was tough too
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Knowing you look great, You did good on a test, and you have a hot date that night
Worst Feeling?: failing a test, looking terrible, and no hot date
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: possibly back in Chicago, Boston, or out west somewhere
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: be less self-absorbed, also have more sense of purpose
What a nice: suprise
Where did all the: cowboys go
Silly, little: rabbit, tricks are for kids
Never under any circumstance: will I do that
I wish: I can fly
Everyone has a: dark side
I am: everything I am
Been In Love?: hmm... yes, I believe I was, great guy
Been To Juvie?: nope, nor will I ever
Mooned Someone?: umm... not that I know of...
Been Rejected?: nah, not as of yet
Ran Away From Home?: haha, tried to once as a kid, parents packed my bags for me and everything... didn't get past the doorstep
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: yes I have ;-)
Skipped School?: every once in a while if its for a good reason
Thought About Suicide?: nah, got a good life here
Slept Outside?: yep
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yes, a few times
Cried In School?: actually I have, there were a few rough times where I just let it out
Thrown Up In School?: umm... no? though during track or basketball I would have to on occassion
Wanted To Be a Model?: always, I would love to model
Cheated On Someone?: nope
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: yep
Seen A Dead Body?: try to avoid them, but yes
Drank Alcohol?: hahahaha.... I do imbibe every once in a while
Smoked?: nope, I avoid it
Eaten Sushi?: yep, good stuff
Been On Stage?: yep, I was actually in a play this spring
Gone Skinny Dipping?: you bet I have
Shoplifted?: I used to as a kid, STUPID!!!
Been Beaten Up?: nope, though I do accidently beat myself up a bit, slightly clutzy
Swear?: I have been known to
Sing Well?: sometimes, if I try
Shower Daily?: either daily or every other day
Want To Go To College?: I am in college...
Want To Get Married?: if the right man comes and things feel right, then yes
Believe In Yourself?: most of the time
Get Motion Sickness?: nope
Think You Are Attractive?: sometimes
Get Along With Your Parents?: always
Like Thunderstorms?: I love thunderstorms
Play An Instrument?: I used to play the piano
Own An IPOD?: I own two actually, the new iPod shuffle and the iPod video
Pray?: never
Go To Church?: never never never never!!! I hate organized religion, I spit on it!
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: if I'm feeling down
Keep A Journal/Diary?: nope
Dance In The Rain?: if the mood strikes
Sing In The Shower?: you bet I do
Pepsi or Coke?: neither, don't drink pop
Single or Group Dates?: single
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: blueberries
Meat or Veggies?: meat! I love meat!
TV or Movie?: Depends what's on tv or what movie
Guitar or Drums?: both?
Adidas or Nike?: hmm... Nike
Chinese or Mexican?: Mexican!!! "You boys like Mexico!"
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Cheerios, yumm...
Cake or Pie?: pie
MTV or VH1?: VH1
Blind or Deaf?: Deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: Briefs
Do The Splits?: hells no!
Write With Both Hands?: if I try I can
Whistle?: barely, but yes
Blow A Bubble?: yup
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: I believe so
Cross Your Eyes?: yeppers
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: yes
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: yep
Dance?: I try, sometimes I succeed
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: for the most part, but as I get older, its getting to be less the case
You Touched:: well I hugged my mom goodnight tonight, does that count?
You Talked To On The Phone:: Jason, my boss
You Instant Messaged:: haha, like I said I don't im, so maybe Sam?
You Hugged:: my mom
You Yelled At:: hmm... my coworkers, I was in a really bad mood, oops! I apologized right away though
You Played A Sport With:: umm... B-Ryce
Time You Laughed?: Today, I laugh a lot
Time You Cried?: umm... well last night I was eating jalapenos with my chicken caeser wrap, I teared up...
Movie You Watched?: The love Guru, terrible movie, made it maybe halfway through...
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: peppermint
Joke You Told?: umm... I don't really tell jokes...
Where Are You?: in my room, at my desk, using my computer
What Can You See Out Your Window?: nothing, curtains are closed and it's dark
Are You Listening To Music?: yep
What Are You Wearing?: still in my workout clothes, so shorts, tank...
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: its possible, there's life on ours
Do you believe in miracles?: sometimes
Magic?: ehh...
Love at first sight?: I'll let you know...
God?: not really
Satan?: again, not really, but higher possibility with all the shit that goes on in the world
Ghosts?: scary, but yes
Santa?: haha, of course santa exists!
Evolution?: I am a strong believer in evolution
Fav Eye Color:: blue I've decided is pretty hot, though not particulat
Fav Hair Color:: ehh... as long as it looks good on them, I don't care
Short or Long Hair:: shortish, but not too short
Height:: tall, at least 6'
Weight:: umm... depends on build, what looks good on them
Best Clothing Style:: slightly preppy, slighty laid back, jeans, nice shirt or jeans and a nice fitting shirt
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: welp, I've been to Europe, I'm going to Egypt and Russia... maybe go back to Paris, it's amazing!!
Your Good Luck Charm:: umm... my hairtie? really? people have good luck charms?
How many pillows do you sleep with?: two
Do you drink milk?: yes, love it with chocolate
Person You Hate Most:: don't really hate anyone, but there is one person that really bugs the hell out of me
Most Outdated Phrase:: get'r' done? I don't know...
Do you think God has a gender?: female, and always pmsing...
Where do you think we go when we die?: into a grave, where we decompose and fertilize the soil
How many rings until you answer the phone?: depends on how far away the phone is, one to five
What is something scientists need to invent?: teleports
Are you a health freak?: nah, not really, I pay attention, but thats about it
Are you a virgin?: hahaha... umm... not really no...
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: perhaps... to a galaxy far far away...
What is the worst weather?: cold, rainy, and dreary
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yes I did
How many grades have you failed?: none
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My Interests

Hanging out with friends and just having a good ol' time, snowboarding, various sports, talking, shopping, eating, sleeping, reading, meeting people, taking long showers, adventuring, dancing, partying on occasion, road trips, penguins, and spontaniety."

I'd like to meet:

The entire Bears football team, especially Rex Grossman so that I can kick him. I would love to meet Aldous Huxley, any person who can write a novel like A Brave New World has got to be interesting. Hitler, one twisted man right there, I would have loved to know how his mind worked. Jane Austen, I love her work. One day I would like to meet my true love (sappy I know, but true.) I'd like to meet a real live talking penguin, that would be f'n sweet! There's a few more, but thats all that comes to the top of my head right now...


Hard rock such as Disturbed, softer stuff like 311 or the Killers, melodic rock such as Tool or a Perfect Circle, but pretty much all types of rock


This is a toughie... Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I love comedies, romantic comedies, action movies, dramas that make you think- The Jacket was an amazing movie. The Lord of the Rings movies were fantastic as well. Super Troopers, meow!


I love Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, America's Next Top Model, South Park, Futurama, and Iron Chef.


I'm a sucker for trashy romance novels, Dan Brown's novels, The Rule of Four, Books that make me think, or books that just let me escape from the real world.


hmm... Batman could rescue me any day! And my mom, who is my rock.