Driving, Anal, Chips and Salsa, Perfecting my car-dance moves with Anthony, Alcohol with Everything, Getting Flashed by Surfers at the Beach, Lying to Myself, Salt, Talking to Strangers, Putting it off til tomorrow, masturbation, Soup, talking and not talking, snow peas, talking shit about people around me with Nicky, racism, lubricant.
People that aren't afraid talk about poop. The creator of TiVo. People that drink on Tuesdays. People who like to smoke at the table in a restaurant. People that don't have a shy bladder. (I admire that) People that will appreciate my drunken nudity. People that smoke immediately after they wake up. People that laugh at other's misfortune.
Bjork, PJ Harvey, CSS, Broadcast, Damien Rice, Peaches, Feist, M.I.A., FischerSpooner, Interpol, radiohead, Blur, Granddaddy, Broken Social Scene, Coco Rosie, Air, GoldFrapp, le Tigre, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Joni Mitchell, the Indigo Girls (Yes i'm a lesbian), Carole King, Belle & Sebastian, Cat Power, Vive La Fete, Telepopmusik, Tori Amos, Travis, Mirah, Billie Holiday, The Magnetic Fields, Liz Phair, Ladytron, the Doves, Elliot Smith, Fiona Apple, Everything But the Girl, Etta James, Broadcast, Lou Reed, the Beatles, Weezer, David Bowie,
Reality Bites, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, House of Yes, Best in Show, Tim Burton, Gus Van Sant, Sofia Coppola, Romi & Michelle's Highschool Reunion, the Dark Crystal...too many to continue
Margaret Cho, Futurama, Aqua Teens Hunger Force, Family Guy, Super Milk Chan, Sex and the City, TiVo not TV, Robot Chicken, Full Metal Alchemist...Aw fuck....anything on adult swim is good.
Harry Potter, Chuck Palahniuk, Ray Bradbury, David Sedaris, To Kill a Mockingbird...