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The Charmed Ones

About Me

This group is EXLCUSIVELY made for the fans of the WB series Charmed. Give information regarding the series and it's storylines.... Make new friends and meet other people with the same interest.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

PRUE HALLIWELL played by Shannen Doherty

Prue is the eldest of all. She became a professional photographer and landed a job on a succesful magazine. Prue was the strongest witch of them all. She always protected her sisters and did everything she can to keep them safe. Prues's powers are very strong. She has telekinesis, the ability to move things with her mind by using her hands. She use to do it by squinting her eyes, but finally learned how to control it and use her hands instead. Prue's other power is the astral projection, the ability to be in two places at once. Prue died while trying to save her sister from dying, she was killed by a demon named known as Shax.

PIPER HALLIWELL played by Hollie Marie Combs

Piper became the eldest sister after Prue died. She didn't know what to do after Prue died and she couldn't accept the fact that she had another sister. Later in the show, she finally accepts that Prue died for a reason and that it's okay to have another sister. She returns to her normal self once again. Piper is married to Leo Wyatt, her whitelighter and she is currently pregnant with his baby. Piper's powers are very unique, she can freeze time and blow up demons. Piper now spends her time, cooking and cleaning, making sure that everything is clean and tidy, handling her club which she named P3, and just kicking some demon butt.

PHOEBE HALLIWELL played by Alyssa Milano

Pheobe use to be the youngest sister, but took the place of Piper as the middle sister when Prue died and Piper became the eldest, and when Paige came into the picture, she took Pheobe's place as the youngest Halliwell. Pheobe suffered many hardships when she was married with Cole. She got pregnant with his baby who turned out to be evil just like Cole, but it was killed before she gave birth to it. Cole became the source and Pheobe had no choice but to vanquish him, so she did, but he returned again, even stronger than he ever was before. Pheobe lost her love for him eventually and shooed him away constantly until finally, he was vanquished for good by her, Piper, and Paige in another dimension where everything was really different. Unlike Piper, Pheobe has the power to predict the future by having a premonition. She can also fly and is really good in fighting. Pheobe now works as an advisor for her advise column in the newspaper and is still out saving innocent people.

PAIGE MATTHEWS played by Rose McGowan

Paige is the youngest half-sister. Her parents are Sam and Patty, she was born half-whitelighter and half witch and was born by an affair that Patty had with her whitelighter Sam. She came into the picture after Prue died. She didn't know that she was a witch and didn't believe Pheobe nor Piper at first, but later she finally accepts the fact that she is a witch and moves in with Pheobe and Piper into the manor and begins to enjoy her life as a good wiitch. Paige was a social worker, but quit to become a full time witch and devoted herself to the craft. Paige's powers are very powerful, since she is half-whitelighter, she has the ability to heal people and orb to places. Paige also has the power to teleorb, which means that she can call for an item and make it orb to her.

My Blog

The Powers Pictures

Posted by on Mon, 23 May 2005 07:18:00 GMT

Charmed is renewed for a season 8

Brad Kern, Charmed Executive producer said about the current season 7 "for all we know, it's the last". The network has not decided whether to pick up a season 8 yet, so they will have to "shoot with ...
Posted by on Mon, 23 May 2005 06:57:00 GMT


has the power of Telekinesis. The power was unlocked by anger. She used to be able to move things by squinting but now he can use a hand movement to control it. She also can astral project. This ha...
Posted by on Sun, 22 May 2005 02:37:00 GMT

Charmed Manor Tour

The Manor is the house where the charmed ones live, and it is here that they are at their most powerful. The Manor was originally the property of the charmed ones grandmother, but it has been pass...
Posted by on Sun, 22 May 2005 01:02:00 GMT


It's been celebrations all round as Charmed reached its milestone 150th episode! Joining the cast for the episode 150, "The Seven Year Witch," was Julian McMahon reprising his role as Cole Turner. Ta...
Posted by on Wed, 18 May 2005 08:05:00 GMT

Ingredients of Love Charm

Love Charm 3 Sticks Cinnamon 4 Shelled Peas 1 tsp. Anise Oil 1 tsp. Pepper Red 3 tsp. Sweet Almond Oil 3tsp. Honey Rose Petals from 5 Roses Pinch of Catnip 2 Drops Musk Oil...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Jan 2005 20:27:00 GMT

Charmed Spells

Acquiring of Powers Hear now the words of the witches, The secrets we've hid in the night. The oldest of gods are invoked here, The great work of magick is sought. In this night and in this hour,...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Jan 2005 19:38:00 GMT

The Charmed Generations

Charlotte Warren was the first in the long line of Warren witches. At the time when she was in labor, a woman kidnapped her because she wanted her baby's powers. The future Charmed Ones were sent back...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Dec 2004 12:54:00 GMT

Obsession Signs

1. Whenever you see a green Volkswagon (Bug), you say "It's Paige's car!". 2. You keep a copy of the Book of Shadows that has every spell in it from the show, plus a little something that you wro...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Dec 2004 01:10:00 GMT

Seven Deadly Signs

*PRIDE* - Prue What it is: Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others ...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Dec 2004 01:01:00 GMT