D-Day Comin' Soon!!!!!!!!!! profile picture

D-Day Comin' Soon!!!!!!!!!!

Ya'll Jus Dont Kno Bout Da Diplomatic Terror

About Me

This ya boy Da'Mon.A.k.a D.Brown,Karebear,ect.Im from Va Beach.Sophmore at Cox High School.On the JV basjetball Team.I can be annoyin but i can be serious too. I have a good amount of friendz.Good amount of enemies lol.you wanna know sumthin else about me send me a message GOOD FRIENDS
.We both reppin Diplomatic Terror to the fullest.He the founder of D.T. CC:
This is my buddy!!CC stands for crippled cheerleader cause she always getting hurt while cheering lol.Alondra:
We’re newly developed best friends.lol.My Mexican best friend.haha.She has her crazy moments,but shes a cool person.Brittany:
I call her Cannon!!!This is my ultra buddy.I love her with all of my heart cuz she's my wifey...lol Anybody get in the way of that and I WILL KILL YOUR FAMILY. Ant:
My boy Ant…I aint seen him in a hot minute but we still talk online and he still spitting. Lauren:
this is my short buddy...She'll back handspring u in the face!i call her Crow.Ca ca!!!!Nataly:
My other Mexican best friend..i harass her in the hallways of cox,lol.. Desiree:
This is my buddy to!!! I met her while I was stayin after school for one of my basketball games and we been cool ever since.We always have the weirdest conversations lol. Amber:
Also known as my wuusaa patient.lol.Known her since like the 4th grade,all we do iz talk about people all day when we talk. Meghan:
A.k.A Fagface A.k.A Skull-o-Mainia A.k.A APHHF A.k.A KillaXcore lol.This is my rocker buddy..all we do is insult and threaten each other haha Heather:
I call her Shorty #1,I’m like 9745 feet taller than her lol. she calls me biggie smalls and yells it all through out the halls of Frank Dub and the streets of Washington Square.lol Beonka:
I call her Shorty #2.HEr and Shorty #1 are a duo together..If you see one of them you see the other.lolthey're both coolKathleen:
I call her Feesher!this is my buddy from 9th grade year.we sat in algebra and talked about this annoying girl that jus never stopped talking and was always in our business haha, Michelle: But everyone else knows her by Shelly,I’m the only one that can call her Michelle..Cuz I’m kool.She’s in California and I miss her but we always talk online =)
If you not on this list and you used to be, then I’m either not cool with you anymore or I just forgot.But if your not on this list and you wanna be,us hit me up.

My Interests

R.I.P Mike And Zo

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

Buccaneer Schedule

Sun. Sep. 10  BALTIMORE 1:00 PM CBS:( Sun. Sep. 17  at Atlanta 1:00 PM FOX:( Sun. Sep. 24  CAROLINA 1:00 PM FOX:( Sun. Oct. 01 BYE WEEK Sun. Oct. 08  at New Orleans 1:00 PM FOX Sun...
Posted by D-Day Comin' Soon!!!!!!!!!! on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 12:28:00 PST