Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kurt Kobain, Kim Jung Ill, Fidel Castro, Milosovich, Adolf Eichman, Gen. Rommel, Gen. Patton, FDR, Che Guevara, Friedrich Engels, Lee Harvey Oswald, Karl Marx, Trent Reznor, Putin, Dieselboy, Aquasky, DJ Andy C., Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Lane Staley, Mos Def, Carol Costello, Saddam Hussein, Constantine, M. Night Shymala-fuk-it; (I want to slap him for the trick he played on ppl who bought their last movie ticket EVER thanks to him, The MPAA should sue him for all he's worth...) Dick Weber, Lewis Black, Donald Trump, JFK, Al Gore, Hitler, Sen. Clinton (I'm sure she's a man!) Gray Davis, Lee Lee Sobieski, Richard James; (of SquarePusher + Aphex Twin Fame) Olivia Munn, Mariska Hagitay, Dave Grohl (before the Gay) Drew Curtis, Matt Drudge, Stile (www.stileproject.com) John Wayne Gasey, Buddha, Ghandi, Tony Blair, Joseph McCarthy, Mussolini, Arieal Sharon, Dick Weber Jr.,Z-Trip, Krafty Kuts, DST, PMT, The Shulgins, Richard Nixon, Andrew Jackson. Adolf Hitler, Flying Spaghetti Monster Winston Churchhill, Dj. Icey, DJ Baby-Ann, Easy E, AK1200, SoulWax..2Many DJ's, Hunter S. Thompson, Lenord Nimoy, Jessie Ventura, Raul Castro, The CPUSA's China delegation. Eva Braughn, Fredricka Whitfield, Soledad O'Brian, Ted Turner, That Monk who set himself on fire........