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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Hi there. I'm Brent and I need to update my page more. I love hockey, indie rock & metal...especially Iron Maiden, foreign sports cars, playing tennis, and microbreweries. I'm obsessed with LOST, have seen Empire Strikes Back many times, and my wife and I have adopted two beautiful(?) bulldogs named Mabel and Jones. I root stupidly, but faithfully for the White Sox, Blackhawks and Seattle Seahawks and detest Duke Basketball, Notre Dame football, the Lakers, the Cubs, and the Detroit fucking Red Wings. As a matter of fact, fuck Detroit. I hate that city.

Mabel and Jones.

We are volunteers for the Chicago English Bulldog Rescue (CEBR) and our Jones is a foster dog from that group. Mabel is also a rescue from another source.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Alexander Mogilny, Andrew Sullivan & Maynard James Keenan...and funny people.

My Blog

RIP David Reilly (God Lives Underwater)

Most casual, or even avid music fans probably don't know David Reilly.  But, in my humble opinion, he led the most underrated band of the 90s, God Lives Underwater.  GLU fused rock, industri...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 01:12:00 GMT