Southern Indiana Chapter of Survivors is
an Official Chapter of Survivors ( official Survivors website ). Survivors is a
Christian, pro-life activism organization dedicated to educating and activating
high school and college age individuals.
If you were born after 1973, we challenge you to consider yourself a Survivor of
the Abortion Holocaust. 1/3 of your generation has been killed by abortion in
We believe in God, the Creator of all things and the Giver of Life. We believe
that human life is precious in the eyes of the Creator. Human life from
conception until natural death should be protected and its sanctity upheld. We
believe that abortion in all of its forms is evil and mocks the sanctity of
human life.
Like our founding patriot fathers and the Civil War abolitionists, The Survivors
believe that abortion is the issue of our day and we must labor in earnest to
end this travesty so that our posterity need not bear the label of Survivors.
We believe sex was designed by God for the marriage relationship. We believe
that to prevent unwanted pregnancies people should behave responsibly by
practicing sexual purity until marriage. Sexual abstinence is the first step to
abortion prevention.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our one and only Savior and
Redeemer. We believe in the forgiveness of sins, including the sin of abortion,
through His sacrifice on the cross. In our efforts to fight against abortion and
educate our peers, our ultimate goal is to reach out to the lost and broken with
the gospel of Christ and His message of life for all. We believe our work would
be in vain if we were to educate and influence the minds of those around us, but
ignore their hearts.