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Society, in my opinion, has become enslaved to the the constructs of an underlying root that is, in nature, animalistic, yet so black that it surpasses animals defining us as humans. A complex intellect is what we possess, even for someone with an I.Q. so low that they can not keep up with the rest of society. But the average person does not know how to control their own intellect which is the lack of common sense . Good people have been brainwashed to crave what is the true root of evil: power. Immense amounts of money is the result of having power, as is a feeling of self fulfillment to those who have been supressed, and/or oppressed. the Fathers of our country began with honest, hardworking, spiritual, yet ideals that defined freedom, yet in this day, it has become nothing but memories and a model for a changed society. We have advanced in utility, but have not adapted the original vision to our society today. We have regressed to animalistic instincts, yet remain human in its complexity. I see people who have "white" souls following the trend of dark habits which have become our way of life. We have been mislead in subtle, and complex diversion. One that has become the agenda, and American way. I wonder if it has happened by default, as we may just be a dark organism by nature, or if we have been given a taste of a highly addicting feeling of power, which spawns abuse, greed, and dominance, resulting in oppression, competition, and mental slavery of the others individually, as well as nationally. It seems to me that we have conditioned ourselves to act out unfairly toward others, both as a society and on an individual basis simply because that is what we are taught. It is what we are shown. And it is what we have become. The most important teacher in life is what becomes a role model. A parent, teacher, idol, or government. The ladder being the most influential on us as individuals, as a society, and a country amongst others. The American way has become a bastardization of its original ideas such that we have become a society of sadism, selfishness, weak morale; all to survive, or eaten alive. It has become a way that as individual, I have been taught to save face. To step on you with a smile, so as to avoid the feelings of guilt that come along with the confliction of the "ideal" and "old school" morale of being neighborly and caring towards your fellow human being. We are in a new era of which is defined by self profit: emotionally, financially, supervisory, racially, sexually, individually. Ignorance is not the word to describe this, though cognitively we may be out of touch with our true agendas. Brainwashing by example is more the description, however ignoring what you feel right, just to satisfy your own hidden agenda, could still be defined as ignorance. It is hidden from your psyche, but can be much more obvious to those you interact with. Maybe not initially, but hey, we're all human right?
In the past I have been silly and have said a lot of real stupid shit for the sake of humor, but this would be described as my true outlook on a society that I feel is capable of so much more. However I think that we have been given a very complex intellect that we have exercised our talents before we really new what to do with it. All the fancy talk aside, to level with another person, I truly feel that we are capable of positivity, peace, and harmony. But, the way we have rooted ourselves as a society, I think this may just be a dream. I do believe that it is possible, but in order for that to happen we need to really pull together to make it work, but not even science is capable of making this happen. We all need to be on the same page yet except that we are different. Can you really see this happening? I can't, however it is theoretically possible, but hatred, sadism, domination, control and all that crap is what make us human. It is also this crap that make it a pipe dream. But at this point, things are so ass backwards that we would have to strip ourselves down and build ourselves back up. Back to basics. This isn't possible. What do we do? Maybe we could start with a "leader" that is neutral enough to to see true equality, but has an agenda that could appeal to this view. This view is my view. I don't have to appeal to everyone, but this is what I think and feel. This is my ideal. A person like this would only have to appeal to the majority, and somehow set the ball rolling. He/she wold not change the world in this lifetime. But he/she could start the revolution, start to bring down the current infrastructure so it goes to a rebuilt healthier society. Bu, it would have to be done so meticulously that it does not create absolute chaos which is the result of dramatic revolution and is usually what happens. (Look at or current situation in Iraq). I will remain optimistic, simply because it will never benefit to be negative. I will remain in reality, but set my sights for the sky.

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I would like to meet people of all kinds, but who maintain respect and boundaries. Humor is important. Soul is important. Self expression is important. All while maintaining respect and boundaries.