family. friends. books. traveling. advocacy work. good food. washington dc. israel. talking about israel. daydreaming about living in israel. trying to be a better person.
world travelers with great stories and lots of time. my aunt gloria when she was my age. a really good financial advisor. people who love bookstores as much as i do. someone who will go see the "bodies" exhibit with me before it closes.
anything 80's, especially the legwarmers; the fray, counting crows, fiona apple, rob thomas, kelly clarkson, jt, eva cassidy, gwen stefani, jack johnson, indigo girls, jamiroquai, incubus, howie day, guster, dixie chicks, deana carter, dmb, pink, pat mcgeeband, rascal flatts, oar, U2, bob schneider
love actually, finding nemo, swingers, made, the usual suspects, centerstage, dirty dancing, sixteen candles, amelie, little mermaid, old school, the departed.
project runway, law & order, entourage, the office, anything on the food network or history channel, skins games...i'm proud to say that i've curbed my tv watching a lot in the past few months.
exodus, the great gatsby (really anything by fitzgerald), the lovely bones, anna karenina, harry potter, life of pi, and the da vinci code.
people with an unwavering passion for whatever it is that drives them.