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Who, being loved, is poor?

About Me

This is the sound I've been making my whole life
I've been waiting for this night
To clear up all the talk
Althought I'm selfish to a fault
Is it selfish it's you I want
You I did it all for you
This love will stand as long as you
There's really no excuse
I did it all for you
- I'm Sandra, I'm 24 blah blah blah
you can see the boring part for yourselves
- If you ask people what they've always wanted to do,
most people haven't done it I’m never going to be
one of those people
- If you think im weird you'r right = )
- I'm totally crazy but don't bother
to tell me i already know ;)
- I dont suffer insanity, I enjoy every minute of it
- Every day at this time...I freak out!
but my little voices assure me I'm quite normal
- I'm not cynical..... I'm just experienced
- If by any chance you think that I'm
bit obsessed with LOTR and Star Wars
your right again but i know that too :p
You guessed it "Don't tell me"
- Ask what ever you want to
- Add me if you need a friend or you
just want to talk to someone
not to make your buddy list 15 miles long
I am not just another number
- I might be quiet at times but i'm
probably just up to my neck in something
i'm not ignoring you
- If there is a lie, then there is a liar
And if there is a sin, then there is a sinner
- Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future
- I love books and i'm always reading something
- I love music so you wont ever find piece
and quiet in my room if im there

- Movies = life
-Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex,
and more violent. It takes a touch of genius and a lot of
courage to move in the opposite direction.
- I can resist anything except temptation
- If you bump into something
on ur way in don't u dare pick it up
thats ment to be there
- Same goes for my guitar
if it's in the middle of the floor i want it there
The floor is considered an acceptable storage location
- I love Sunflowers and water lilies
- I love soaps, creams, parfumes and all girly
things - this i guess means I'm a girl LOL
- Ice cream is the only thing i can eat no
matter what i feel at the moment
- I adore shoes
- I adore cats
- Of course I'm out of my mind
it's dark and scary there!!!
- I have the simplest tastes.
I am always satisfied with the best
- Underneath my clothes im naked
- I WILL NOT have sex with any of you.
- I flirt alot but thats all
- If you think that a kiss is all in the lips
you got it all wrong
- I dont like cheaters, liars, fakers, posers,
raceists, homofobes
- Do what you want with ur life
as long as it doesn’t affect mine
- I belive in aliens, ghosts, demons, vampires
and all the other things no one else seam to belive in
- Must be because I am a Vampire
- I collect crap dont ask me why
all ur gonna get is "just because"
- I know what I want in life
and I’ll get it one way or the other
- I don’t ask for much because
all i want I can get myself
I think to much
I think to fast
Thinking destroys everything
- I worry too much
- We all make our own future
- I've realized that being happy is a choice
- I'm not a rebel without a cause
- If you make people think they're thinking,
they'll love you;
But if you really make them think, they'll hate you.
I truly hope u all hate me
- You laugh because I'm different,
I laugh because you're all the same
- If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with
being different....I'd rather be completely fucking mental
- I tried being normal once, I didn't like it!
- I want everything and belive me
I can get it im just to lazy LOL
- I am a dork and a big one
- I enjoy being stupid
- You're never too old to learn something stupid
- I like watching people and taking their pics
so if u get flashed it’s probably me fooling around
- I am easily amused to easily at times
- Oscar Wilde said it I live by it
Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much
- I love chocolate
Learn not to interrupt me when I'm talking to myself
- The burden of originality is one that most
people don't want to accept
I on the other hand wear it with pride
- I am a gamer but I’ve been told that I don’t know it yet :p
- I live in my own reality so deal with it
there is no other way
- I took the red pill - MATRIX is not fun at all =)
- I've got one nerve left and your most likely to get on it.. - When I die, I'm leaving my body to science fiction
- I'm easily annoyed but i get over it very fast
- I always wanted to know
Why do people with closed minds always open their mouths?
- I love Vikings
- Mythology and fantasy r my obsessions
- Sin City is a masterpiece
- To truly laugh,
you must be able to take your pain, and play with it!
- Love me if you dare
- I'm Worse than all your dreams
- Do not disturb, I'm disturbed enough already
- One more thing - Don't try to fix me I'm not broken

My Interests

All my gadgets
Cats I love Cats
Elvish - see what you get from reading and watching Lord ofthe Rings :)

Lord of the rings
Star Wars
Celtic and Nordic Mythology.
PC Games ( i'm totaly in love with Warcraft, War of the Ring, Lord of the rings, Battle for Middle Earth and the Sims ) MOVIES
and of course Music, Music, Music

I'd like to meet:

Every single person in the whole wide world :) but since that is not possible i'd be happy to meet Mel Gibson, Piter Jackson, Elijah Wood, Billy Corgan, Johnny Depp, Noah Wyle


I'm totally obsessed with music. My mom actualy told me she'e gonna kick my ass if i bring home one more CD so now she cant see me comming home :) LOL I started playing guitar a while ago and i'm not bad actualy. For someone who's collection counts couple of thousand cd's this is the toughest thing to do but im gonna try. SO here r some of my favorites.

My favourite Bands
Smashing Pumpkins
The Stone Roses
Queens of the stone age
The White Stripes
The Avalanches ( From the First time i
heard " Since I left you" to this day )
The Calling ( so talented )
The Cure
Depeche Mode
Duran Duran
Franz Ferdinand
Fun Loving criminals
The Hives
Green Day
Good Charlotte
Kaiser Chiefs
The Killers
Massive atack
Matchbox 20
The Meters
New Order
Pink Floyd
Scissor sisters
The Strokes
Velvet revolver
and one band from my country
called Vasil Hadzimanov Band
( very cool funky music )
My favourite solo artists
Annie Lenox ( women with absolutely fantastic voice )
Brayan Adams ( he was the first music i ever listened
to thanks to my Aunt so i guess i'm stuck with his music
forever - I just love this guy)
Dave Gahan ( this man voice give's me the cool )
David Bowie ( vierd but fantastic)
Joe Cocker
John Lennon
Laurin Hill
Marvin Gaye
Mike Oldfield
Phill Collins
Timo Maas
Tory Amos
Robbie Williams
I love every single thing Buckethead
ever did he's so talented there arent
enough words to explain his talent

Since everybody needs some Hip Hop in their
lifes that's where Jay-Z and Eminem jump in
( well at least in my favourites, very strong lyrics )

~*~and last but not least GENIUS among people
( I mean his lyrics are just so deep,
so meaningful, so so so .......
his words can make me cry, laugh, love and just feel alive.
None of my friends realy like him
but i just love the way he thinks
I'm Absolutely in Love with this man's brain
and his point of view ~*~
My favourite Albums
My all time favourite is "Siamese Dream" by Smashing Pumpkins
( I could listen to this album forever )
Adore - Smashing Pumpkins
"Mary Star of the Sea" - Zwan
"Back in Black" and "Highway to Hell" both by AC/DC
"Camino Palermo" - The Calling
"Franz Ferdinand" - Franz Ferdinand
( this is the album i fell in love with faster then light )
"The Stone Roses" - The Stone Roses
"Scissor sisters" - Scissor sisters
"Underneath" - Hanson
"Violator" - Depeche mode
"Kasabian" - Kasabian
"Hopes and Fears" - Keane
"Mad Season" - Matchbox 20
The Lord of the Rings soundtracks ( Howard Shore is a genius )
Stigmata soundtrack.


As you can see from my book section i'm a huge Tolkien fan so of course i'm a great fan of "The Lord of the Rings" movies too. I love Star Wars ( and who doesn't ) and Harry Potter movies too cause everyone needs to be a child sometimes.
~Sin City~
~Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind~
~Heavenly creatures~
~The God Son~
~Donnie Darko~
~King KONG~
~Dr. Strangelove~
~Half Nelson~
~Ten Canoes~
~I’ll sleep when I’m dead
~Big Fish~
And absolytely anything by Michael Gondry, Tim Burton, Guy Richie, Peter Jackson, Marc Forster


House MD and Supernatural :D


First book i ever read was the book of Edgar Allan Poe tales and i've been obsessed with his work ever since. I adore reading so i have like a gazillion books at home including all J.R.R.Tolkien works ( im a great fan for 12 or 13 years now ) but aren't we all? :) I read Silmarillion ages ago and i can still read it anytime i want and in fact i do. The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings don't even need to be mantioned i mean come on is there anyone who doesn't know about these books, Oscar Wilde's work, Milton's Paradise Lost...



It feels so good to be
like Garfield sometimes
Love Me,
Feed Me,
Never Leave Me

My Blog

3D Fantasy Girls Gallery antasy-girls-gallery-3d-desktop-wallpaper/ Amazing wallpapers :D i love them...
Posted by Sandra on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 02:28:00 PST

LOL ... Kryptonite found in serbia

Kryptonite found in serbia Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Sandra on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 03:00:00 PST

Exit day two - Siddharta concert

Ok i'll do the whole exit soon but since this was by far the best conc of the festival and i promissed to someone i'll post these pics first so here you go and enjoy. More comming soon    ...
Posted by Sandra on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:57:00 PST

now i have an Idea - stole it of course :p

these r the rules:   1. Pick up to 30 musicians.2. Post them in ur blog and ur bulletin and see who can guess which song of each musician's is your favorite.3. Once someone guesses your song...
Posted by Sandra on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 01:20:00 PST


During all police investigations it will be neccessaryto visit a strip club at least once.All telephone numbers in America begin with the digits 555.If being chased through town, you can usually take ...
Posted by Sandra on Mon, 17 Oct 2005 10:13:00 PST

Everyone reed this you wont be sorry i promisse

ladies and gentle men read this and ladies take notes ladies get ready for the rules and thoughts that us men have to deal with and what pisses us off about you the most please read ooo yeah i am not ...
Posted by Sandra on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 06:21:00 PST

Ok guys so now its official they're back till February next year

August 7, 2005, 10:23 pm Pumpkins Reborn Source: Drowned in Sound Rumours of a Smashing Pumpkins rekindling have been rife these past few weeks, after frontman Billy Corgan made public how much he mi...
Posted by Sandra on Mon, 22 Aug 2005 08:05:00 PST

To all Pumpkin heads out there

Look what I've found ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- For_Immediate_Release:JULY 4, 2005 - After Billy Corgan's much publicized full-page advertisement plea ...
Posted by Sandra on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Color of Friendship

  Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel.All claimed that they were the best.The most important.The most useful.The favorite. Green said:"Clearly I am the most important. I ...
Posted by Sandra on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Jimmy said yes - 2 more to go and we have our pumpkins back : ) .html...
Posted by Sandra on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST