Hi Everyone, 09=24=09
I would like to inform everyone if you have not heard Sable Starr Passed away, She lost her battle with cancer. I would only say ...
She always put a smile on my face, and her ora was a circle of love that touched everyone within her voice. Her mother was an Angel that brought Sable and her sister in to the world to make life FLASHY, HAPPY,and LOVING. Coral we will all miss Sable Starr! She helped to make ROCK and ROLL the roots of what we listen to today by being what she always was LOVE, HAPPINESS, AND THE HOTTEST LOOKING GIRL ON THE PLANET! Sable I want you to know, thank you for all you did for me, and helped me with, It was a pleasure partying on National Television with you, being back stage to see your happy face and crazy corkscrew blond/ plat white hair, you were so so full of FUN, LOVE , and you were REAL...No miss you know who there. Sable Starr THE QUEEN OF THE GROUPIES! I will never for get the fun, goodtimes, and that wounderfull HAIR! LOVE FOREVER My friend Sable Starr!!!