$o0o0, heree$ a'Lill ashley101,
i'M n0t 0ne Fer DrAmmA, $aave thatt $hiit fer y0 m0mma:)
i'M 18Yeaars y0ung &Ll0vviiN' Liifffe.
b0rnn &Raa$iiied iinn thha607, y'Kn0ww iiit.
iw0rrrk @ $uuuubWay bby chUckkiieChee$e :D
mmyTruueffew &Maryjj are whaaat kEEp Me $ane.
i'Ve c0me t0 realiZe Lateeely iNeedta d0 thing'z
fer Me, in$tead 0f trYnna plea$e Every0ne ar0undMe.
s0 that's h0w i'M liivvvin' n0w, d00iiin ME!
&iDc if any1 get$ huurt iN tha pr0ce$$.
it'$ myyLiiiffe &if pe0ple Can't accccept that
tHen theyy'Re 0bvi0u$ly n0t w0rthhh iiT;)
iLiike ta Havve a$Muuch ffunn a$ p0$$ibLLe.
i'M a d0wna$$ chicccK 'til y0u d0 Me wr0ng,
thenn Bitcchm0de c0me$ 0n, ThiinkYa can hanDlle iit?
pe0ple telllMe i'm iNtiMidAtiNg, id0n't think iAm th0.
iCan't $tannd Girrrl$, unle$$ yer 1'a miiine$.
&Liiiar$, can aLL g0 diiie, Liike ferreaal, iHate that.
id0n't liikke pee0ple Wh0 think theey kn0w Me..
naaaah, y0u'll neeever kn0w Me fr0m the neXt Bitcch.
bUt, iifYa wannna Trrry Ged@Mee, y0u'll bE $upriii$ed:)
♥h0llalallashley -Aim.