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Darkened Cherub

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About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorWA-HEY THERE EVERYONE!! WELCOME! My Name is Samantha, i live in Glasgow... always have. im a qualified photographer at a HND level. taking time out to work on my own style of portfolio im wanting and then going to Glasgow University. i love going to gigs and going out to the solid with my friends. if your wanting to know anything else just message me.

My Interests

photography. Drawing. Judo.

I'd like to meet:

anyone whos not a complete c*nt! oh and this dude Dylan Moran thanks to Francis. watch this its soo funny lasts bout 7ish mins. Dylan Moran
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--i love my metal Grrr! like the indie Wooo! and HATE i repeat HATE THIS FUCKIN EMO SHITE! what the fuck is it, i know one thing its not: its not about the music at all its about the fashion and NOTHING else. so for all those out there who listen to this type of music one this to say GET A LIFE and LIVE IT!--


GingerSnaps Trilogy. Lord Of the Rings Trilogy. Edward Sissorhands. Kingdom Of Heaven. Sleepy Hollow. Spaceballs. Underworld 1&2. Bio Dome. Tank Girl. House Of Flying Daggers. Hero. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.


Futurama. Avatar. 30 Rock. californication.


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