I AM..............the virgin MARY, I am ROCK and ROLL, A ROSE quartz, my sisters KEEPER, I am that SICK beat on your fav hip hop CD, I am laps in THUNDER saddle on a 4 ft of fresh POW day, Silver Strand beach, I am Austin TXS,7 cords of wood in one winter,I am the purple BUS, I am a wild night with LiL Daddy Roth,I am a Sunday in Xochimilco, I am 96 MONTRACHET,I am El Paso/Juarez!, Makers with a splash of water, I am BUSHEL of MARIGOLDS for DIA DE, I am a family gathering on Christmas, I am a curios KITTEN (KITTY KITTY), I am a New Mexico sunset, I am a first pin Sommelier,I am a Chocolate truffle, I am a willow tree in the spring Breeze,I am tequilla shots in the Zocalo, I am the stormy ride on HWY 1, I am that CRAZY Aztec QUEEN/Goddess that will eat your LIVER and your HEART, I am a FULL moon night in Emerald Bay ,I am LA Katrina, I am a 1945 Gevrey-Chambertin, I am FALLEN,I am Grey Goose on the rocks, I am Hypersensitive, I am the BLESSING at CHIMAYO, I am a BROKEN heart, I am PASSION!
I AM LOVE!!!!!