I started to compose at the age of eight. I had a piano when I was nine as my parents did not know if I would fancy piano lessons for long. Since then I have never stopped writing songs in both French and English.
I was part of a band for the first time at the age of 16. This was my metal teenage time. I had a great time with the band; we have even played on a live TV show in France... I am not really proud of this as it was in the afternoon and only elderly people were watching! Obivously we lost the competition. Imagine a French metal band at 4pm in the afternoon on the beach, overcrowded with children and elderly people only!
The thing is, I could not really be part of this band as a composer and songwriter; I had always wanted to play my own songs with a band as just piano and voice sounded too boring to me. After my HND, I decided to go to Huddersfield to study business and marketing. This is where I met Clement. We met at a birthday party in Ashenhurst Student Village. He was on a work placement at the University as a studio manager. We naturally started talking about music. I had always wanted to find someone who could help me and arrange my music the way I wanted it to be, the way it could sound and look like me.
We hooked up the week after so he could listen to my songs. Apparently he liked it because 10 days later he had already recorded the first version of 'toi/moi'... But lack of inspiration, indecision and busy times put a distance between us. Then Laurent showed up, coming from France as well. He enrolled at the University to follow the same course as Clément (music technology). Introducing a real instrument and someone new to our music brought some fresh ideas.
Since then we have recorded 'Dans tes yeux', 'Alex' and 'Feed me'. It takes time to get a song fully done as we always want to improve it and find new beats and arrangements. Plus we do not have the same schedules and do not live in the same cities.
We are planning on making a demo of 5/6 tracks and conquer labels this summer. To be continued...