Love love love; The sound of a violin or cello, Colors, to listen people talk, Drama class, Theater, The fragrance of the rain in the evening on a hot day, Playing the drums, to exaggerate, Concerts, silence, To buy pillows, Dancing, tattooed arms, Russia, Russian things, Perfume, to eat, To Break some balls ^^, To cycle on music, thrills, The rising sound in my headphone, The alarm clock which bieps too early so I can stay in my bed a bit longer, My English is BAD, Black chocolate, to sing stupid songs nobody likes, to squeeze pimples, *People making, listening to, enjoying,.. music.* to take a long bad, To decorate rooms, going out, To use diminutives, to irritate people a very little, To cook, to discover new tastes, To discover new music, Food, food, food, listen to music, surprises, To travel, to discover new things, To Watch movies, To Talk, meeting new people, etc. etc. etc.
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