I want an adventurous woman who isn't afraid to make the first move.,,,i want a woman who is going to be herself and open her heart to me. I'm a looking for a very free woman who knows what She likes , and who is ready to enjoy life to the fullest.I seek the one women that will be my partner, that will understand me, and want to live really live a life as a contestant, not a spectator. She will be strong, and caring, she likes being the center of attention, she likes being on a pedestal. She knows that she is top because she just is. By no means is she arragant, not mean, or cruel. She is simple because she is.She is eager to try new things in life, what ever they might me, she respects her partner, for we both a grown adults, and this is what we both choose to be. To meet my Goddess Jazzy one day in real have been your slave for over 6 years my dreams it to belong to you in real one day when my Goddess feels i am worthy .I am not allowed to serve am restricted orders from my owner.