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Born in the 70s in the UK, John Francis Kenwright (aka Junior JFK), never would have thought a musical career possible. Son of a soldier and deaf until the age of 6, it would be partly thanks to the northern Irish conflict, terrorist explosions and the ensuing progresses in inner ear surgery in military hospitals that would give him the chance of finally breaking out of the silence. His life took a new direction as of that moment and the melodies of Otis Redding, Bob Marley, Marvin Gaye, the Beatles and The Police would forge within him a rich and powerful musical foundation. Growing up on the back-streets of Cyprus, Berlin, Kingston London, Northern Ireland, Reunion Island and Liverpool would also open his eyes to a culturally colourful landscape of languages, customs and music. 8 years in an officers’ military academy then developed a disciplined and hard-willed intention to strive to succeed at every challenge – even that of forging a name for oneself in a traditionally black, “sufferers†musical world. Having played at numerous festivals over the past ten years and backed international artists the likes of The Gladiators and many more, Junior JFK has been lucky enough to witness at first hand the magic, hardships and joys of “living the lifeâ€, on and off stage and putting those emotions and experiences to music. His latest CD, POLITRICKS, gives the listener a backstage pass to his views, passions, hopes and fears in an ever-changing world where humanity struggles tirelessly against itself. Backed by THE BODYGUARDS, a hand-selected crew of French musicians, Junior JFK passes his musical message and shares a collective passion & respect for reggae music with like-minded crowds all over. In his own words: “Hearing music for the first time was a revelation. Being able to write, record and share my passion with the audience has been a blessingâ€. I leave it up to you to be the judge.For interviews and information: JFK 0033(0)662530436/ [email protected] If you like the sound we're on the lookout for a european manager/booker and any contacts like-minded friends may have. TIA guys. Des problemes de sante le privent d’audition jusqu’a l’âge de six ans. "Entendre la musique a ete pour moi une revelation". Des lors, JFK se construit une oreille, modelee a la fois par Bob Marley, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye que par The Police. L’apprentissage de ce nouveau sens suffira a le detourner des chemins rectilignes et a devoyer ses desirs initiaux pour d’autres raisons plus artistiques. " Entendre la musique pour la premiere fois etait une revelation. Pouvoir ecrire des chansons et les partager avec un publique est une benediction". Ne de parents Gallois et Irlandais, mais eleve entre les latitudes de l’ile de la Reunion et le grand air des Alpes, JFK a su digerer ce melange de culture celtiques et Afro-Caraibeennes sans aucun prejuge. Deja envoute par la grâce languissante et l’amertume des musiques Jamaicaines, il s’approprie cette science ensorcelant veritablement insurgee du reggae. Avec quelques volontaires issus de la scene musicale grenobloise, Olivah ET junior JFK composent les chansons s’entourant avec un backing band experimente "THE BODYGUARDS". Se reclamant du courant " UK Reggae " JFK mettent en --uvre sur leur nouveau CD « POLITRICKS » un repertoire reggae roots actuel et dynamique qu’il qualifie de « Nu-roots ».ALORS SI VOUS AIMEZ NOTRE SON, N'HESITEZ PAS A NOUS CONTACTER ET NOUS PROPOSER DES DATES ET AUTRES FESTIVALS CAR JUNIOR JFK & THE BODYGUARDS EST AVANT TOUT UN GROUPE CONNU ET RECONNU POUR SES PRESTATIONS LIVE ! contact : [email protected] 0033(0)662530436