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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I value the time I spend with loved ones. I'm faithful to my longtime friends whom I consider as family and I love my family even when I think they're being unreasonable. I live for learning and am always in search of what the Most High put me on this Earth to do. So, one step at a time.

My Interests

social justice, culture, food, travel, spiritual enlightenment, self exploration, nurturing growth in every thing

I'd like to meet:

free thinking folks, ones that challenge my point of view and keep me on my toes and ones who will mutually support me in my differences and accept me for me ;-)


jazz, blues, r&b, hip hop, american standards, electronica, indigenous beats and sounds -- basically anything that invokes thought, introspection and make bodies groove so sometimes that includes country and bubble gum pop


Shawshank Redemption, Bend it Like Beckham, Joy Luck Club, Like Water for Chocolate, Chocolat, First 50 Dates


Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations (Travel Channel), Las Vegas (NBC), Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO), Grey's Anatomy (ABC)


All of Nigella Lawson's cookbooks, The Alchemist, all of Anthony Bourdain's books, Angels & Demons, The DaVinci Code, all of Sandra Cisneros' books, all of Amy Tan's novels and childrens' books, Rudolfo Anaya - especially Bless Me Ultima (all time favorite!)


Lola Cresing, Momma & Dad, The Joe, and those who strive to fight for injustices every day 'cause it ain't easy