Erwin Rodolfo THE IMMORTAL profile picture

Erwin Rodolfo THE IMMORTAL

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Immortal, powerful, the Warrior, the Fearless, the Conqueror and the Legend. Messenger of God and Prophet of God. I am born Immortal, Half human and half angel. Leader of God's mighty armies. The Lord is my protector, he trains me for battle and prepares me for war. Praise the LORD froim heaven and Praise his Holy name. Praise God Yahweh, the powerful God of Israel and his Son Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour! I am powered by God's amulet, protection from deadly virus, disease, epidemics, protection from my enemies, evil spirits and demons. The LORD GOD grant me the gift of Immortal life and eternal life. God the Almgihty reveals me the secret of Immortality and eternal life. God choose me among the people to shame the mighty. I am the Special master piece of God. I am the LORD of the Immortals. Yahweh is our God and maker.______________________________________________________ _________________Yahweh made me as Immortal to show all the nations, how powerful he is. Because, the people will not believe in him unless God show hiw wonders and miracles to them. And now, people of Israel here I am the messenger of your God. This time, the people who worship false gods will say, it is true that Yahweh your God is so powerful than our gods, lets worship Yahweh, the true living God. Like Moses, Yahweh send Moses to the Israelites and liberated them in the hands of mighty rulers of Egyptians. Thru Moses God defeated the powerful Egyptian armies and and successfully saved the people of Israel from the Pharoh and God show his powers by dividing the sea to allow the Isralites to pass. Yahweh is the only God can do that and there is no other God can do that. Yahweh is so powerful, that he created the earth, the humans, the moon, the sun, the stars and the universe.___________________________________________________ _______________ THE COMING OF YAHWEH. Yahweh will be back soon to saved the people of Israel and to those who worship him but he will crushed to the ground the wicked, the atheists, the unbelievers, the godless and the people who worship false gods. Yahweh will come like a thunder while the people are sleeping and busy. Yahweh will come together with the heavenly armies._____________________________________________________ ________________Yahweh, the powerful God of Israel is the creator of heaven and earth, the source of all life in this world. He is the God of the Immortals. Yahweh is the only God that can give a human a long life and short life. God takes the life of a human if he knows that this human is godless, atheist, worshipping false gods or sinners and refuse to obey his laws and commands. Yahweh gives and granted a long life to the people who acknowledge him as LORD and God. If the people forget him and abandon him, sickness and death will fall upon them, because you separated yourself to the Higher force that gives you life. Our Father in heaven Yahweh, makes us very stronger and protect us from any dangers, evils, plagues and deadly disease. Any one in the hands of the LORD our God cannot get by anyone. Yahweh is a loving God and merciful God. If you love Yahweh our God and faithful to him, he will be your protector and defender, he will make you stronger like an eagle, he will cover you with his wings, to keep you safe from all hidden dangers. He will defend you from all deadly diseases, protect you from the plagues that struck in the dark and to the evil that kills in daylight. A thousand may fall beside you but you will not be harmed, because the LORD your God will defend and protect you. Yahweh will saved you from your enemies, from pierce lions and poisonous snakes, you will tremble lions and poisonous snakes but you will not be harmed. God will send an angel to protect you and no violence will come near your home. Even your enemies will be afraid to you, because Yahweh is with you. ____________________________________________________________ ____†YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† Get Falling Objects @ †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh† †YAhwEh†

My Interests

I'm interested in the worders and greatness of the LORD our God. MESSAGE TO THE ISRAELITES. Here me, O people of Israel, the LORD your God is a true God and there is no other. Love your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. Be faithful to your God. Remember, that Yahweh, your God saves your ancestors from the slavery of powerful Pharoh of the Egyptians.

I'd like to meet:

Get Your @ I'd like to meet other Immortals like me. Immortality is come from God, the powerful God of Israel and to his Son Lord Jesus Christ. I thanks God for granting me the gift of immortality. I successfully unlocked the mystery of immortality, longevity and eternal life. I successfully found the elusive "Fountain of Youth," theMystical water that grants immortality, longevity and forever young. Long live the Immortals!__________________________________________________ ____________________________YAHWEH IS THE NAME OF TRUE GOD. Then Moses said. If the Israelites will ask me what is your name, what I to tell them? God responded: I-am-who-I-am. I am Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. -Exodus 2-4_________________________________________________________ ____________________THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: Moses went up on Sinai, and there Yahweh gave him two stone tablets with the ten commandments. It was written: I am Yahweh your God who brought you out of land of Egypt. You shall not have other gods than me You shall not take the name of God in vain Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day. Honor your father and your mother. You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbors. You shall not covet your neighbors wife. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. -Exodus 19-20, 32-34______________________PROVERBS OF KING SOLOMON. The fear of Yahweh is to hate evil. -Proverbs 1:31________________________________________________________ __________________RETURN TO YAHWEH PEOPLE OF ISRAEL. Return to Yahweh and he will return to you . Donot be like your ancestors who did not listen to Yahweh and to his prophets and were scatterred throughout the nations. Sing rejoice, people of Zion, for Yahweh is coming to dwell in the middle of you. Many peoples and great nations will come to seek Yahweh in Jerusalem. In those days, men of every nation and language will take a jew by the sleeve and say: We want to go with you, since we have learned that God is with you. Rejoice daughter of Jerusalem! Your king Messiah comes to you. He is victorious and triumphat, humble and riding a donkey. He will proclaim peace for all the nations. -Zechariah 1:14________________________________________________________ _________________COME BACK TO YAHWEH PEOPLE OF ISRAEL. Sound the trumpet, call the people together, and pray Yahweh to spare his people. Come back to Yahweh with all your heart, fasting, weeping and mourning. All who call in the name of Yahweh will be saved. -Joel 1-4_________________________________________________________ ___________________THE GREAT COMMANDMENT. HONOR THE LORD YOUR GOD. You and your descendants to honor the LORD your God and obey all his lwas that I am giving you, so that you may live in that land a lo9ng time. -DEUTERONOMY 6:1_________________________________________________________ _________________THE LORD IS ALONE -IS OUR GOD. Israel, remeber this! The LORD - and the LORD alone - is our God. Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your souls, and with all your strength. Never forget this commans that I am giving you today. Teach them to your children. Repeat them when you are at home and when you are away, when you are resting and when you are working. Tie them on your arms and wear them on you foreheads as a reminder. Write them on the door steps of your houses and on your gates. -Deuteronomy 6:4-9_______________________________________________________ ______________________DO NOT WORSHIP OTHER GOD'S. Do not worship other gods, any of the god's of the people around you, If you do worship other gods, the LORD's anger will come against you like a fire and will destroy you completely, because the LORD your God who is present with you, tolerates no rival. -Deuteronomy 6:14,15


Hobbies: Listening music, reading books, biking, driving cars etc.______________________MY UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE: Meeting with God Death Experience, Near Death Experience (NDE), Astral travel, Out of Body Experience (OOBE), My travel journey in heaven and hell.______________________ENCOUNTERS: My encounters with the Aliens, Angels, Frairies, Dwarfs, ghosts spirits and demons.____________________WHERE WILL BE THE HUMAN SOUL GOES WHEN HE DIED? Well, the souls of every human died in this world goes to to heaven, to the World of the dead or in hell. Dying is not to be afraid of, it just floating your soul out of your body. To die is painless, but the scary is that, where will be your soul goes when you die? Simply if you are a righteouss and worship true living God of course when you died you will directly goes to heaven with your angel guide. But if you are a sinners and worship false god, when you died you will fetch by demons and brought you in the world of the dead or in hell. To be able to saved your own souls from the world of the dead and hell, worship the true God and live rightteouss.


ALIENS ARE LIVING AMONG US: Who say that UFOs and aliens are not true? Aliens are really true and exist. Even the Holy Bible proves that UFOs and aliens are really true. Read the stories of Prophet Ezekiel, his encounters with the UFOs and aliens._____________________________________________________ _________BIBLE PROVES THAT UFO’S AND ALIENS ARE REALLY TRUE AND EXIST IN ANCIENT TIMES. READ THIS. EZEKIELS’S VISION OF GOD. PROPHET EZEKIEL ENCOUNTERS WITH THE UFO’S AND ALIENS._____________________On the fifth day of the fourth month of the thiertieth year, I Ezekiel the priest, son of Buzi, was living with the Jewish exiles by the Chebar River in Babylonia. The sky opened, and I saw a vision of God. (It was the fifth year since Jehoiachim had been taken into exile.) There in Babylonia beside the Chebar River, I heard the LORD speaks to me, and I felt this power. I looked up and saw a windstorm coming from the north. Lightning was flashing from huge cloud and the sky around it was glowing. Where the lightning was flashing, something shone like bronze. At the storm I saw what looked like four living creatures in human form, but each of them had four faces and four wings (UFO’s). Their legs were straight, and they had hoofs like those of a bull. They shone like polished bronze. In addition to their four faces and four wings, they each had four human hands, one under each wings. The two wings of each creatures formed a square, with two wings of each creatures formed a square, with their wings tips touching. When they moved as a group without turning their bodies. Each living creatures (UFO’s) had four different faces: a human face in front, a lion face at the right, a bull face at the left, and an eagle face at the back. The two wings of each creature were raised so that they touched the tips of the wings of the were folded against their bodies. Each creature faced all four directions, and so the group could go wherever they wished, without having to turn. Among the creatures there was something that looked liked a blazing torch, constant moving. The fire would blaze up and shoot out of lightning. The creatures themselves darted back and fourth with the speed of lightning. I was looking at the four creatures (UFO’s) I saw four wheels touching the ground, one beside each of them. All four wheels were alike; each one shone like a precious stone, and each had another wheel intersecting it at right angels, so that the wheels could move in any of the four directions. The rims of the wheels were covered with eyes. Whenever the creatures moved, the wheels moved with them, and if the creatures rose up from the earth, so did the wheels, and the wheels did exactly what the creatures (UFO) did, because the creatures (UFO’s) controlled them. So everytime the creatures moved or stopped or rose in the air, the wheels did exactly the same. – EZEKIEL 2: 1-5_____________(EZEKIEL REFERRING THE WHEEL AS THE UFO’s.)


MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE WHO WORSHIP FALSE gods. Yahweh the God of Israel and the Almighty God is only the true living God and there is no other gods than him. Destroy your false gods and worshipped Yahweh, the Almighty God. Your false gods will not gives you good in life it brings you disaster. Worship Yahweh, the God of Israel and you will have a long life in the land you live and will give you a proesperous life. Have you heard other gods that Yahweh has done to his people? Yahweh, saves his people from the slavery of pharoh of Eyptians. God shows his powers and greatness to the people of Israel, he defeated the armies of the Egypt and he divided the seas to cross his people. God guided the Israelites while travelling the wilderness for 40 years. Yahweh gave them food and water to drinks. Is anyone of your false gods do what Yahweh has done to his people. Only Yahweh, the mighty God of Israel can do that and there is no other. Yahweh is the God of the gods and Lord of the lords.


Holy Bible, Kabbalah, Talmud, Zohar, Merkavah, Ayn Soft and Hasidei Ashkenaz. ..


Moses, Josua, Abraham, Isaac, King David, Solomon, Gideon and Judas Macabeus.