...::About Me::...
Full Name: Oanna
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: black
Height: 5.6
Shoe Size: 36;))
Ring Size: ??
Heritage: romanian
Graduating Year: 2007 :D
Birthdate: 21.04.1988
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Concert: long time ago
Best Friend: mary :D
Crush: alin :)
Pet: nutza
Sport: voleyball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: nope
Bungee Jumped: nope...but i'll loved to
Gone out of the Country: yes
Beaten Someone Up: yeah :D
Gotten Beat Up: nope
Killed an Animal: yes :D
Swam in the Ocean: nope
Broke the Law: guess no
Smoked: sure!!!:D
Chewed Tobacco: nope
Drank: yeah
Been Kissed: yes
Been In Love: yes
Dumped Someone: yeah :D
Been Dumped: nope
Broken Someone's heart: yes :P
Had Your Heart Broken: nope
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: guess yeah
Broken A Bone: nope
Had Surgery: yes
Had an X-ray or MRI: no
Failed a Class: no!!
Color: black,red & yellow
Food: twister
Drink: coke & nestea
Snack: chetoos
Cereal: nesquick ;))
Ice Cream: strawberry & curacao
Candy: loly pop
Restaurant: pizza hut
Fast Food Place: kfc
Store: makaveli
Animal: dog
Quote: decat mult si fara rost mai bine putin si prost:P:P
Sport To Play: basketball
Sport To Watch: tennis & k1
Movie: honey
TV Show: cheaters
Type Of Music: dancehall & hip-hop
Band: always G-UNIT
Singer: lord kossity
Song: nelly furtado-say it right
Pepsi or Coke: coke
Vanilla or Chocolate: choc
Cake or Ice Cream: ice cream
McDonalds or Burger King: McDo
Love or Money: hmmm... both
Music or TV: music
Cat or Dog: doggg...i hate cats
Mom or Dad: both :(
Truck or Car: car
Ocean or Lake: ocean
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo
Google or AJ: google
Light or Dark: both
Country or City: country
Rain or Sunshine: sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: the nose ;))
Personality or Looks: looks
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: green
Short or Tall: taller then me
Romanic or Spontaneous: spontaneous
Sense of Humor or Sweet: both
Hook up or Relationship: both
Feeling: lovelly
Listening To: collie buddz
Wanna: go out
Doing Besides Typing:
Thinking About: 2morrow
Wearing: pj ;))
In Love: aha
Single: nope
Best Friends: maryy
...::The Future::...
Career: hair stylist
Marriage: someday
Kids: i want 3 :D
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GOD.. DAD.. MOM.. :)