STUDY HARD AND PRAISE GOD!!! what else can you say about a monk? Mania Seven others may know me as Mbele Gittens.if you know the man. then you know the story.for those who don't heres a brief rundown.Emcee, I represent Queens like the Coliseum all day.but don't sleep you just might find me walking somewhere around your way.most definitely a traveling man.My plans to see the world before I leave the world.Other than that I guess you can say i'm a man of the arts.An artist in every way it started at a young age.Music is my metronome,without it i would fall off course.MANIA SEVEN the Queens borough legend.Im everywhere and never there all at the same time.You can usually find me in....deep contemplation.meditation is a daily practice.SUN TZU,THE TAO,and the KARMA SUTRA are the closest things to religion i can claim.Skilled in the art of O.H.L,i am trying to achieve the most honorable position of master,by which you must be able to make a woman reach her climax merely by transferring energy from the palms of your hands, into her erogenous zones.i have almost perfected this technique, its just that i can't help but to get physically involved when i see a woman wreathing in lust beneath me.also skilled in the culinary arts i can prepare a meal that will make your mouth tingle with pleasure.always in the mood to make new hit my page and holla at the kid.........peace.