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i need a real man, i'm sick of playin wit lil boys

About Me

122 Q's
My name is: Pamela
My birthday: January 25th
I can be: sweet at times
My eye color is: dark brown
My shoe size is: 9
My ring size is: 8 1/2
My favorite shoe brand is: Nike
My height is: 5'7
I'm allergic to: Fake Ass People
I live in: Albany Ga
The last 3 books I read are: The Great Pretender, To Die For, and Intro To Criminal Justice
My bed is: comfortable
One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: One minute they make you happy and the next they make you sad
I'm glad I'm my sex because: I just love it
My best friend is: Sherri/Jazz
3 things I can never resist are: chillin with family, friends, meatlovers pizza,
My favorite pajamas are: Boyshorts and a tank
A perfect kiss is: with somebody you care about
The last 3 albums I bought/got are: Kelis, Chris Brown, Young Joc
My most treasured possession is: My Family & Car
What did you do last night: Watched Lifetime and fell asleep
My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): Tan
-I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In-
Santa: No
Love at first sight: Yeah
Luck: Yeah
Fate: Yeah
God: Yeah
Aliens: No
Heaven: Yeah
Hell: Yeah
Ghosts: Yeah
Horoscopes: No but I read them from time to time
-Which Is Better-
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Drunk or high: A lil of both
Phone or ..: Phone
Boys w/without hats: With hat
Dark or light hair: Dark
Night or day: Night
Oranges or apples: Neither
Curly or straight hair: Straight hair
-Here's What I Think About-
Abortion: Against
Cant Stand
1School: Need it
Last Time I-
Took a shower: this morning
Kissed someone: today (my kids)
Hugged someone: today(my kids)
Saw someone I haven't seen in a while: about three weeks ago
Wrote in a diary: last night
Grew: dont know
The ditziest person I know: My cousin Santavis
The one person who makes me laugh the most is: My son Treyvon
One thing I'm pissed about right now is: I'm not
The last movie I saw in the theater was: XMen3
The thing I don't understand is: Why people have to be fake
The dumbest thing I've ever said: Dont Know
The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever recieved was: Your not doing your best
The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: Take a guess :)
This week I am: Finish with exams
This winter vacation I: Would love to go to New York
Last summer vacation I: Went to North Dakota to meet up with my brother
Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My family
The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Finshing school becoming a Probation Officer
Tomorrow: I have to return my books to bookstore
Today: I'm bored as hell
Next summer: I hope to live to see it
Next week: no school
People call me: Pam, miss pam, pam boo, muff
The person I have been friends with the longest is: Jazz/Sherri
The person who knows the most about me is: Jazz/Sherri
The person who can read me the best is: My brother
The most difficult thing to do is: Let go of somebody you love
I have/have not gotten a speeding ticket: I have gotten 5 speeding tickets
I have the following siblings: 2 younger brothers
My favorite people are: Family and Friends
My zodiac sign is: Aquarius
The first person I thought/think I was/am in love with was/is: Jay
The one person who can't hide things from me: Jazz
The person I find myself spilling my guts to is: Sherri
Right now I'm talking to: Nobody
I have a job at: Go to School
I have these pets: Dont own any
I wish I was: On a beach
The worst sound in the world: sandpaper
The person who makes me cry the most is:
The best shoulder to cry on is: A bestfriend
Who have u had the longest crush/b/g friend and how long: W.S Always have
I allmost died:
My boy/girlfriend is: Dont have one
My fave state is: Ga
My fave piece of clothing is: Panties
My fave sport to play is: I like to ice skate
The last time I cried was: 2 months ago
Why did u cry: over a guy
What I'm wearing right now: shirt and sweats
The school I'm going to is: Albany Techinal College
The last person I got pissed at was: A friend
My worst drinking experience was: I scratched the paint off my car door
What was the worst thing you did when you were drunk: Drive
The last movie I watched was: A Lifetime movie
Best movie ever: Set it Off Two,Can Play That Game
Fave jacket: Half Cut blue jean
The all time best thing in the world is: God
Do u like ur parents: Yeah
The most annoying thing ever is: Someone who lies all the time
Do you do drugs b4 school: No
I lose all respect for ppl who: Lie
The movies I have cried at are: all most anything
The worst pain I was ever in was: Heartbroken
My fave phrases are: Treat peolpe how you wanna be treated
My room is full of: pillows
My fave celebrity is: Lisa Ray & Angela Bassett
My fave cliche is:
My downfall is:
My weakness is: Being too nice
What turns me on: Tall dark skinned sexy guys with tatts and a clean cut
I filled out these q's b-cuz: I was bored
Was it fun: Yeah
You gonna post it: Yeah
better do it: (Smile)
No I'm serious, post it: (smile)
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