>Wishbone< profile picture


Once, Always, Long Live.

About Me

I am a performer and music educator. I speak through drums. I meditate through marimba. Tomorrow doesn't matter. Learn from yesterday, then let go. Focus on only now. Now smile. Secret to life. There it is. Groovy, no?
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My Interests

Search The Webtender drink database:

Advanced search | Browse drinks | Forum | WebsitesGraduating, battling with transcript processors about just getting the transcript processed so I can take a class without repeating it and not realizing until graduation. Mild sarcasm is acceptable. Getting wayyyy better at my percussion craft.

I'd like to meet:

Keiko Abe, and a lot of other composers who have written for my favorite melodic instrument. Someone to enjoy silence with every once in a while. The person who had the idea to do what they did with fish and rice that evolved into sushi. They get a fat high five.


I can deal with everything for the most part. I'm really not a fan of choral stuff, and I am really not a fan of anything written pre-Romanticism. Like, Beethoven's cool, some other 19th century stuff, most 20th century and later. Japanese percussion music of any kind. And sushi (it's not music, but i'm hungry. *Uses chopsticks*)


I haven't seen nearly as many as you probably have. Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, Jim Carrey, stoner movies, etc. I can handle stupid films. Scary stuff is really of little interest to me. Dancer in the Dark was pretty bad ass. Bjork is quite the actress let alone her creativity and performance as a musician, which i totally dig (yes marching folk, we are outside the correct caption there).


The internet has enough entertaining video to allow me to forego television...here's a sample .. .. codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cab s/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="320" height="263" ..


Saul Williams is a phenomenal poet. Please google search his poem "Sha Clack Clack" and check the lyrics. Or go buy the book "SHE". I doubt you'll be disappointed with either (if you dig poetry at all).


Santa Clara Vanguard
Which DCI Drum Corps are you?
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My Blog

Saul Williams.

There are no words to explain his writing, so.....Let the emcee do the teaching....------------------------------------------------ --------she asked that i remove my dreamsbefore entering her homeone ...
Posted by >Wishbone< on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 07:30:00 PST

the days of wine and tu-lips (Saul Williams style)

From the pen of Saul Williams - i presented my feminine side with flowers   she cut the stems and placed them gently down my throat   and these tu lips might soon eclipse your brightest hop...
Posted by >Wishbone< on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 10:30:00 PST

The new restaurant fad - CREAT YOUR OWN MENUS!

    There's a new and exciting fad spanning the casual dining industry, and now you can enjoy it, too!  It's called "create your own menu".     Customers at restura...
Posted by >Wishbone< on Mon, 15 May 2006 06:33:00 PST