HITLER-So I could rip off his cute little moustache and maybe we march a bit.
GHANDI- So I could nail him in the face and laugh at him when he doesn’t hit me back
MOSES- So I could take away his MAGIC STICK and go pimpin with it.
GOD-I don't really need to explain this one.
everything pretty much
I can't think of any at this time maybe Ill post them up later
Family Guy
American Dad
South Park
Hannity & Colmes
The O'Reilly Factor
The Enemy Within
Who's Looking Out for You
Liberalsim is a Mental Disorder
The Outsiders
Harry Potter (all five books)
George W. Bush
My dad
Wonder Woman,
Rob Petrella
Ray Charles
Super Man well until he fell off a horse got paralyzed and then had a heart attack.