Forms: Television
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Independent, Surreal, Romantic
Synopsis STORE FRONT is a half hour TV episode about five people struggling to get rich, be famous, find love and/or find themselves in a STORE that isn't quite right. This STORE has been various types of stores over the years - convenience store, skateboard shop, video store, and more but is now a MUSIC STORE Store. Customers may show up, sometimes thinking it's one of the old stores.
No one knows who or where the father of the RECEPTIONIST unborn child is. Not unlike “Lost”, we will never be certain if this store is reality, a dream, or another dimension. Who and how will someone die this week and what these characters do is what will keep us tuning into “STORE FRONT”.
"STORE FRONT" starring Tim Colceri , Samantha Lockwood , Michael
Blum co-
starring Victor Fischbarg , Meiyee Apple
Tam , Justin Prentice , Carolyn Hudson , Natasha Nova music
by Carolyn Hudson , Edwin Vasquez , Less Than Normal producer Young Man Kang written by Tony Young, MARK CRUTCH executive
producer and director Mark Crutch OPENING MUSIC BY: Less Than Normal SONG: Romance Dance