Assalammualaikum, firstly im want to thank you for your all because want to read myself and add me too in this website,my full name is Sharifah Siti Nur Aisyah binti Hj,Syed Muhammad
Al-Farhan Al-Salman,im was born on 13March 1985Masihi/AD( 20 Jamadil Akhir 1405 Hijrah, Wednesday).in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia,but my parent enlarge of me in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Before im studies in Malaysian..when 12/4/2003.i am move to Cairo, Egypt and stay with my aunty ,my aunty is teacher so i can try memorize Quran with Feb 23/2006.for First time im come to Los Angeles because in get studies one private college Islamic ,however,at the 2007 I am get start 2 in 1,mean im work while study…8/24 hours for studies,8/24 hours for work and 8/24 hours for free time…so I can get full time table…on free time I like to da’wah in mosque or other class for other youngers girls..however my working too have the da’wah..sometime have person
Want to study with me about the Hadith Rasulullah SAW, and Quran .now im so happy with my life..but so miss with my parent…in Malaysian.i have 1 big sister,2 little brother and 3 big brother,
We so happy because have great life forever Insha Allah,now my big brother have in Egypt,Malaysia and Australia for studies..and working.1 from 3 big bro have in Australia for studies in University about Law..i thinks I want too but can’t cuz have small problem…but im so happy now….so I hope you all have great day forever…thanks for read this..Salam,.