shar to my real fiends. shaaaaaaaaaar to my dunken friends. ateh to my cousins, nephews, neices, god children and so fort.usually the perosn behind the camera, behind the window. one of my favorite pass times is to sit in coffee shops and watch ppl. i guess that's why i'm a psych major. ppl, behaviors, interactions, and smiles facinate me. i like taking pictures. thinking of the frame. odd angles. snapping those grt moments that last for a second. one day i'll have a job in marketing that lets me use both psych and creativity.
i am, artsy, usually listening to a beat, creative, a dreamer, edgy at times, f unny, girly, helpful, intelligent, janky looking when i don't get enough sleep, killer when it comes to gift wrapping, loving, missing my brother, nostalgic at times, optimistic, polite to costumers, quiet when i'm sad, responsible, shy at times, not one to show tears, understanding, crazy about vestidos, whimsical, exposed on my blog, youthful, and zanny.
flip through my album