black metal, extreme metal, doom metal, goth, industrial, some punk and alternative, death/destruction/mayhem/entropy and oblivion, depression, evil, religion, INVADER ZIM, JTHM, SQUEE, anything by SLG, comps, fantasy, dead people, villians, Dune, The Wheel of Time Series, The Shannara Series, Bands like: Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Voltaire, Satyricon, Emperor, Squirrels, Vampiric Squirrels, Weresquirrels, Foamy, pikachu, cute fuzzy creatures, dark stuff, overly dramatic poetry, bad horror films, the Evil Dead movies, Clerks/Dogma/Mallrats/etc movies, Scarlett....and prob some other stuff....i dunno... oh yeah, also online games....bleh!
god, the devil, Jhonen Vasquez, Johnny Depp, Christina Ricci, Foamy and other squirrels of note
i loves me some extreme/doom/death/black/blackened death metal. also some goth and industrial, along with the occasional silly band like Aqua....
goddamnit!!! i already answered this crap!!! though i should state here that Bill and Teds Excellent adventure was prob the greatest movie ever made...And Conan is teh sex! heh
Friends, cartoons, Fox news and the history channel
any religious books, previously mentioned books (im not gonna repeat myself..), some philosphy texts, business and music texts, lots of fantasy/sci-fiction
Vlad Tepes, Richard the Lionhearts brother Prince/King John, The current Pope (sometimes...), Saint John Paul II, Johnny Depp, Jhonen Vasquez, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Zim and Gir, Dead; former singer of Mayhen who lived up to his name.....hehe and perhaps a bit more so than the others: St. Francis of Assisi,k, also add Jesus and Lucifer.....hehe, not so contradictory if ur in the know...