~*ToiWeezy*~ is 2 kool 4 skool profile picture

~*ToiWeezy*~ is 2 kool 4 skool

I'm the type of girl who will bust out laughing in dead silence because of something that happened..

About Me

WELL WHERE DO I START?...BUBBLY*LEFT-HANDED*SINGER*DEEP THINKER*YOUNG AT HEART* SHOPAHOLIC*R&B JUNKIE*PRETTY EYES*SOCIAL BUTTERFLY*VIBE VIXEN*CREATIVE*INTERIOR DESIGN*HAROLD CHICKEN EATER*DIOR PERFUMES*SUBURBAN*DANCER*STRAWBERRY TWIZZLERS*LAUGH AT MY OWN JOKES*STREET SMART*CARMEL SKIN*DOG LOVER*CREOLE ROOTS*MANGO JUICE*ASTROLOGY*LOVE LIFE*FASHIONABLY LATE*CLUB HEAD*MALIBU & PINEAPPLE*DORKY*HIP-HOP*SELF CONFIDENT*GOOFY*DOWN TO EARTH*MODEST*STRONG WILLED*THAI FOOD*LOVE HUGS*HIBISCUS ICE TEA*BOOKS*SUSHI EATER*ENTHUSIASTIC*MANICURES*CLASSY*WITTY*J&J CATFISH*HATE TO BE BORED*MOST IMPORTANTLY~COULD CARE LESS WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF ME!!I'm kind to those who are kind to me. It's really hard to get on my bad side. I sometime's wonder why there's so much hate in the world cause to me everyone is the same. I try my best to stay humble even when times get hard, even when peeps try to bring me down. I still walk with my head up and a bright smile on my face (so take that bitchez!). I think friends and family are very important (you have to work at all relationships in order for them to grow). I try to stay as busy as possible...gotta keep it movin at all times. I like to keep it short and sweet cause that describes me perfectly :) Shout out to my ETG Entertainment crew. Let's make this money...take that,take that!! LOL!! a href="http://myspace.nuclearcentury.com" style=".. !important; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:9; height:120px; width:200px; background-image:url(''); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom left; border:0px

My Interests

I love music. It's my life and it's my passion. Museums, the beach,the club, shopping, books (I love Borders), animals (the baby chimps at the zoo are adorable!), singing & dancing. Basically anything that put's a smile on my face I'm interested :)

I'd like to meet:

Michael Jackson ( so I can ask him what the hell is his damn problem!).
Known as: the life of the party
Lives in: chi-town apartment
FiRST BREATH: when i was born duh!
School: on break right now
Hair color: brown
Eye color: light brown-very real fellas :)
Style: suburban with a touch of urban flare :)
Fears: flying, dying, riding horses...don't ask :)
SECTION 2: HaVe YoU eVeR...
Cheated on someone? yeah, he should have been takin care of his biz!
Been Cheated on? i'm sure...better be glad i didn't catch 'em
Fallen off the bed? lol, when i was like 10 yrs old
broken someone`s heart? yeah, i'm trying to kick that habit
Had your heart broken? yeah...it happens to the best of us
Had a dream come true? yes...very bizarre!
Done something you regret? nope
Cheated on a test? i plead the fifth!
Wearing? clothes duh!
Listening to? robin thicke
Located? chi-town...duh!...i thought i said that already?
Chatting with? lil sister
Watching? BET
Should REALLY be doing? sleeping...it's late as hell
SECTION 4: Do YoU...
Brush your teeth? ofcourse!
Like anybody? *blushing* yeah, thank you very much! :)
Have any piercing? nope
Drive? nope
Drink? occasionally
Smoke? eeeew!
Got a pager? heck no...totally outdated!
Who is your best? james, torian, steph, kristina, cortez, eric (my h.s. crew)
Who do you hate? don't hate them, but don't care for them to mention their names
Who is the shyest? not me, not even a lil bit
Who is the most talkative? probably me...i have a lot to say damn it! :)
Who is the cutest? sorry ladies...me! :)
Who laughs the most? stephanie
Who have you known the longest? kristina
Who have you known the shortest? kristy & jaime
Who do you miss the most? megan
Who do you go to with personal problems? i deal with personal issues on my own
Do you hang out with the opposite sex? yeah, guys rock!
Are you a good friend? i think i am...just stay off my bad side :)
SECTION 6: ThE lAsT pErSoN yOu...
Hugged? my ex-boyfriend
Kissed? my cute guy friend :)
IMed? n/a
Talked on the phone? my friend ken-ken
Yelled at? my lil sis lauren...i still love her evil ass! :)
Fell in love with? *blushing* they know who they are
What do you want to be when you grow up? singer/actress/interior designer
What has been the best day of your life? all my days are great ones...i'm happy to be alive & well
What comes first in your life? god, me, family & friends
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? *blushing again* yeah, i like someone...mind yo biz! :)
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? :) way too personal for that question don't ya think?
How many times have you fallen in love? twice. i guess the third times a charm...i'm waiting, whoever you are :)
Love your family? extremely
Love your friends? dearly
Movie: i like all movies that keep my attention
Store: Ikea furniture store...freakin awesome in there!
Relative: my grams
Sport: if i had to sit through it, i would say basketball
Name for a Girl: dunno
Name for a Boy: dunno
Quote: whatever & duh!
Abortion: it's your body, do with it what ya wish
Smoking: eeeew!
Eating Disorders: that's so sad
Suicide: life is too precious to do something that stupid
Summer: i love it
Love: can be very complicated yet very sweet



Wow! The Fray, Lil Wayne, T.I (love him so much we could get married), Dwele (love him even more), Brandy, Coltrane, All American Reject's, Coldplay,Jay-Z, Eryka Badu, Sade, Steely Dan, Robin Thicke, Justin, Monica, Jill Scott...I love everyone. That's just a taste. MusiqSoulChild...love this video! I freakin luv Amerie & I'm really feeling J. Holiday cute self...check the video:


Breakfast at Tiffany's, Love & Basketball, Clueless, Love Jones, Oceans 11, Wedding Crashers, 40 old Virgin, Coming to America, Eves Bayou, Last of the Mohican's, What About Bob, The Breakfast Club, Braveheart, Classic Disney Cartoon Movies, Boomerang & MJ's Moonwalker


One Tree Hill...I'm addicted! I'm also a sucker for reality tv...FLAVOR FLAV! :) Girlfriends, Sex & the City, Oprah, Everybody loves Raymond & King of Queens
You scored as Joan. Woohu!! You're a Joan!! You have the gift of giving and letting others know that you're there for them no matter what. You stay true to what you believe in and let no guy come in and take that away from you. You go grl!!








Which girlfriend are you?(from the hit tv show girlfriends)
created with QuizFarm.com


The Alchemist, The Five People U Meet in Heaven, Behind those Eyes, The Coldest Winter, Beautylicious, A Rose that Grew from Conrete...I could go on but I have a long list (atleast you know I read).


My granny & my mom.