Petra Stopar profile picture

Petra Stopar

About Me

Music is a part of me and my life … I haven't got to know this until I met so many people who enable me to create it. Since singing (next to playing the flute) is one of the biggest and most passionate talents I possess, I am thankful to all my friends who manage my songs with melodies, harmonies, recordings and so on…Writing lyrics is what I want to keep for myself when it comes to my music, because this is how I become a true self. This is how I want to tell the world what is going on – in me and all around people. Though, many of them ask, whether it is my wish to support my life with music or to become famous. I say my wish is to reach my goals and my goals are to live life together with things that fullfill me. I do not know if fame is fullfilling, but I know it certainly does not last to fullfill the lives of the people around you. What makes me true is the love which gave me a sense to feel with the music that comes from my heart. I've been singing for all my life already, it was only in the secondary school that I started writing my own songs. At that time I met my co-author Miha Gor--e, an extremely talented musician, keyboard player and composer, who at the time also plays in the band of Slovene rock musician Omar Naber. Together we recorded some of the first songs, one of them (the song called Zaklad) later got on the summer festival »Nova scena« (2005). A major breakthrough came at the time of the annual festival named »Ritem duha« (2005) with the song Tam, nad oblaki. The song was rewarded with the first prize. The success was unexpected. From then on, we knew that continuing on making such music was unavoidable.At the moment, my new songs are still in the process of recording. Acoustic sounds of piano and guitars, based on pop-jazz developments together with vocals and lyrics are what define them. I hope it won't be long till they are presented to you …
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Member Since: 03/03/2007
Band Members: The official or permanent band of accompanying musicians does not exist (yet). However, there are many musicians, who are always willing to join in and help with the making of my music:The song TAM, NAD OBLAKI was created in cooperation with:Miha Gorse - music arrangements, producer, keyboards/piano;Tadej Mihelic - double bass, The Studio Mihelic;Martin Lunder - guitars;Nikola Sekulovic - bass;Primoz Velikonja - drums;Natasa Mihelic, Katja Koren - backing vocals.
Influences: Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Norah Jones, Katie Melua, Sting, Robbie Williams, Bryan Adams, U2, Joss Stone, Mariah Carey, Diego Barios Ross, Miha Gorse and God
Record Label: Unsigned

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Nov komad

}ivjo!   Z danaanjim dnem se bo na myspacu prikazal posnetek moje nove pesmice...premierno sem jo zapela sino i na Urbanovi no i v Ribnici, kjer je bilo vzduaje zelo lepo. Pesem Le kdo smo naredi...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 07:33:00 GMT

Kmalu izdaja novega komada

Lep pozdrav vsem!   Rada bi samo povedala, da lahko v naslednjih dneh pri akujete mojo novo skladbo z naslovom "Le kdo". Premierno jo bom zapela na Urbanovi no i v Ribnici, zatem pa ae v Ribniake...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 01:12:00 GMT

Prva nagrada strokovne zirije, Ritem duha 2007

Ritem duha 2007 je za nami ... Bilo je prekrasno, izdali smo novo skladbo, poleg vseh drugih enajstih novih sodobnih krscanskih skladb! Presenecenj kar ni bilo konec, 1. nagrada strokovne zirije je pr...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 04:48:00 GMT

Na MySpace dodani dve pesmi iz zacetkov ustvarjanja

Pozdrav vsem skupaj!Kot vidite, sem na MySpace dodala ae dve skladbi. Skladba Bo~icni cas je seveda bo~icna. Koncni posnetek je nastal ~e tri leta nazaj, bila pa je prva skladba, ki se je vrtela po lo...
Posted by on Wed, 09 May 2007 09:51:00 GMT

Zahvala glasbenikom, ki so do sedaj sodelovali z mano ...

Sodelujocim glasbenikom in pevcem gre najlepaa zahvala, saj brez njih ~e od vsega zacetka takanega uspeha, glasbe in zadovoljstva sploh ne bi moglo biti  &(Naj opozorim, vrstni red je nakljucen i...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 11:29:00 GMT

Udele~ba na festivalu Ritem duha 2007 potrjena

Vceraj je prispelo pismo z informacijo, da je bila pesem Najvecja skrivnost sprejeta na letoanji festival Ritem duha, ki bo 20. oktobra v dvorani U`C Leona `tuklja v Mariboru! Skladba je znova avtorsk...
Posted by on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:24:00 GMT

Bli~a se predizbor za festival Ritem duha 2007

Pred nekaj dnevi smo oddali novo skladbo za festival Ritem duha, ki bo tako kot vedno, tudi letos potekal oktobra. No, po dveh letih se moja glasba bolj ali manj svojevrstno izoblikuje in dobiva svoj ...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 13:35:00 GMT

Pogovor v Reaetu, uradnem casopisu obcine Ribnica, december 2005

Petra Stopar in Miha Gorae, mlada glasbenika Petra  zmagovalka festivala Ritem Duha 2005, Miha - clan ansambla Omarja Naberja   Skromna, preprosta, vedno nasmejana in s prijazno besedo na o...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 11:12:00 GMT

Intervju v tedniku Dru~ina, oktober 2005

Glasba je del Njega   Petra Stopar, 21-letna atudentka angleacine in novinarstva, prihaja iz Dolenje vasi pri Ribnici. Zelo rada bere tujo literaturo v izvirniku, se vozi z rolerji, dru~i s pri...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 11:03:00 GMT