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I am here for Friends

About Me

I like pie. But not any kind of pie.
The one with cherries. But cherries can be a really shity thing. You eat the pie and then get all covered in cherries and your fingers are sticky and stuff...then you regret having eaten the pie in the first place.
Pies can be a real bitch you know.
The sweet...delicious pie...almost like it's calling for you...making you want to instantly eat it...but then you're covered in this red, sticky, yuck it worth enjoying those few moments of pleasure when you know it's all gonna blow up in your face?
This may sound weird to many perverts.
If you are one you'll get the point.
Anyway...I really do like pie...and somehow i have never managed to eat one slowely, without any haste...panic...passion...too many weird feelings towards a pie eh? I've never been too good at metaphores...or any kind of litterary stuff actually...I always have a great idea..but then somehow...I get lost in the words...I lose the reason why I even started writing in the first place...
I think I think too much.
No seriously, I do! It can be a real bitch sometimes....And if the American culture has ever done anything useful to this world it would have to be the word "bitch". You can use it in various contexts and therefore express any idea, opinion, emotion you want. But other than that they've done nothing less than pure bullshit to this world. Well there is Sex and the City...that's not bad. Anyway, with this random writing I'm not gonna entertain you or do anything else for that matter and what's more I gotta sleep.
So...peace! (if there's such a thing)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts - Default Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds

My Blog

Tori Amos - Smells like teen spirit ...wonderfull...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 14:30:00 GMT


5G8 AC =518B=5. !0 <0;> @5G8 A8 7=0;0 ?8A0B8 5?>25. 5A=8:, C<5B=8: 8A?@54 A2>3 2@5<5=0. 5?@87=0B.   8;0 A8 C ?@02C. =>38 B2@45 0 45;0 3>2>@5. >:070;0 A8 B>.   0 A0< B2>X5 45;>. >X5 B...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 22:02:00 GMT

danoslavin rani rad. (30th Jan.2007)

Kada se nasa draga profesorka V.I. pojavila krajem polugodista i izjavila da ce ona od sad biti ta koja ce se baviti prosvecivanjem nasih mladih dusa matematickim formulama,funkcijama i ostalim sranji...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 16:54:00 GMT

nisam dobra u davanju naslova, al procitaje

vracajuci se kuci kroz kneza milosa jednim od onih novih mini busica ,kojima su svi u ovoj zemlji uzasnuti zbog ogromne razlike u ceni karata,primetila sam nesto.mislim kako i ne bih primetila kad pro...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 05:58:00 GMT