I'm Joey Vegas. I'm a artist, writer, and overall creator. I co-created and directed a local access television program for about five years in Bellingham mass Titled The Joe and Jay Show. In that time ive become flewitt in Avids nonlinear digital editing, and own a system of my own. As well as adobe after effects were i can do anything i want. =).I now live in a small artist community in collinsville ct. Were I love to walk my dog, rollerblade, go hiking up the mt. and just hang out relax and draw. however this summer i plan to go kayaking more often get a bike and maybe ditch my truck. love the summer and going to the beach for some boogie boarding building sand castles, and catching up with friends from back home.Mostly i love breathing the fresh air. curling up in bed during thunder and lightning storms. wrestling with my cat. footsies on the couch. being cute and annoying at the same time. being in love. and starwars. dorky? deal with it i was born in 75 =)