..On the early Eighties, the very young GIORGIO MAGGIORE played bass guitar and drums within two bands. These bands were named The Fulls and The Butterflies Collecters. The Fulls played psychedelic blues; the Butterflies Collecters played a sort of progressive, where Giorgio played drums trying to imitate Nick Mason and Cesare Malfatti (one of the founders of Milan grunge bands Afterhours and La Crus) played guitars. Since 1980 Giorgio started to play acoustic and electric guitars too, influenced by Pete Townshend and Syd Barrett tracks...and he composed songs for both bands. Since 1982 he changed completely his rhythmic guitar style: in this period he listened to bands like The Monochrome Set, The Cure, Durutti Column, Cocteau Twins, Dead Can Dance, Wire, Joy Division, Bauhaus, The Sound (of Adrian Borland)...and many other dark wave artists...who influenced himself very much.
He recorded hundreds and hundreds of demotracks, some of them instrumental, some other with English lyrics.. Many people listened to those tracks, composed and played between 1982 and 1987...Someone talked about some likeness to Nick Drake, as regards Giorgio acoustic tracks, and to Joy Division and Cocteau Twins for the electric ones.
In 1987 Giorgio prepared a demo containing 12 tracks with Italian lyrics..He sent it an important CGD producer of that time..
The producer listened to Giorgio demo criticising his music, defined too British for Italian market!! Giorgio didnt give up and went ahead to compose and play a huge quantity of tracks by himself..
Giorgio thought to be an amateur player who tries to involve emotionally the listener by his experimentations..
In 1992 Giorgio composed the hypnotic demotrack named Over, in 1996 he released a demo album named The Farmer...containing electric tracks with shoegaze guitars..
He went ahead to release one demo album each year...the most interesting one is The Cavalry Attack, in 1999.
Since 2001 he started to compose and play songs with Italian lyrics.. It was very difficult for him to define right words within a quite British sound..In the meantime Giorgio bought an old piano and started to learn to play it trying to compose some tracks..He listened very often to Wim Mertens records.. He recorded eight piano tracks but he did not use them for the following albums..
After having recorded nearly fifty tracks between 2002 and July 2003, some of them instrumental ambient, some other sung in Italian language, on September 2003 Giorgio started to work for his first real concept album..
He used a 16 tracks digital recorder Fostex VF160, a small mixer and a multieffect device...Instruments were an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, a bass guitar, a keyboard, some percussion and a microphone...That was all..
In 2003 Giorgio released thirty tracks, in 2004 only three tracks!! He was going to decide to withdraw from his project...but in 2005 he composed a huge number of tracks again..
He wrote lyrics about contrasts between nature and cement, reality and virtuality, everyones dreams and daily routine...and some other subjects very well explained musically and lyrically by Roger Waters Wall...
At the end of 2005 Giorgio printed his first album, named OASI DI CEMENTO (cement oasis)..
Between January and July of 2006 Giorgio released other eight tracks...but unfortunately he broke the recorder hard disk...which memories went lost....so he decided to include into his second album six tracks written and recorded in 2003 and 2005..left out from the first album..
On December 2006 he printed his second work, named I COLORI CHE CAMBIANO (the changing colours)...
OASI DI CEMENTO (2005) and I COLORI CHE CAMBIANO (2006) are practically two twin records...both containing some tracks of Giorgios production between end 2003 and early 2006.
The style within the two records is quite similar: OASI DI CEMENTO is extremely dark (Joy Division, The Cure, Cocteau Twins, and Italian bands CSI and Diaframma). I COLORI CHE CAMBIANO is brighter than OASI..and shoegaze guitars are protagonist within the tracks..
In both albums there are two piano tracks...the two number 13!!! Here is possible to compare Giorgio piano sound to Ennio Morricone and Wim Mertens music...wondering a little bit..
Also the two tracks number 14 are very different from main Giorgio dark style within the two twin records...Cosa Rimane? (What Will Remain?) from OASI..is a long suite more typical of early seventies..Fuga Dal Nulla Verso Qualcosa (Escape From Nothing Towards Something) from I COLORI..is a strange fusion track with rhythmic bass guitar in evidence..
Since December 2006 Giorgio started to compose and play some new tracks, extremely progressive, ambient...He released three piano tracks, named Bagliori Di Luce (Lightnings), Il Sogno Infinito (The Endless Dream) and Addio G (Goodbye G); three long and quite psychedelic suites named Illustre Sconosciuto (Famous Unknown), Mi Ascolterai? (Will you hear me?) and La Grande Bolla (The Big Bubble)...very rich of several sound and rhythm changings...and two semiacoustic ballads Divertente (Amusing) and Il Tuo Fiore Vero (Your True Flower)...with interesting solo shoegaze guitar..
This was the raw material for his 2007 album, named DENTRO AI TUOI SOGNI (into your dreams)...released between December 2006 and May 2007..It is the history of a man who tried to escape from reality trying to find shelter into his dreams..but sometimes his dreams turned to nightmares...so he often dreamed of routine and narrow-minded people...But one day he was able to let melt the big bubble by the sun...the bubble enclosed him and his best dream...so finally he escaped from reality and reached his freedom...forever...
Since August 2007 Giorgio started to compose some tracks for his fourth album......He released many instrumental tracks especially on February and March 2008...So his new album could be ready for the end of July...
On July 17th 2008 Giorgio received his very new record from printer..His new work is named RADIOANIMA...(radiosoul).
The ten tracks were released and recorded between August 2007 and March 2008..As for his previous records Giorgio chose the cheapest solution for recording and mixing his tracks..He used 16 multitracker recorder VF160 Fostex this time again...
The first track which opens this new work is titled RADIOANIMA. It is a medley divided into three subtracks: TEMPESTE ELETTROMAGNETICHE (electromagnetical storms) with it threatening synthesizers, RADIOANIMA with psychedelic guitars and lyrics in evidence within a rhythmic ballad (which recalls some XTC track), ISOFREQUENZE (isofrequencies) with it peaceful piano..
The track nr.2 is titled LIBERI (free) with shoegaze guitars and powerful voice in evidence on the refrain..The third one is an instrumental track played by piano and synth: SPERANZE TRADITE (betrayed hopes)...the first positive melody turns little by little into a dramatical mood...with sinthetical violins reminding of "Addio G" from "Dentro ai tuoi sogni"..
Track nr.4 LA PORTA (the door) is a rhythmic electric guitar ballad with an evocative refrain and touching lyrics...The following three tracks are totally instrumental...nr.5 RINTOCCHI (tolling) with three acoustic guitars which chase each other...nr.6 RICORDI IMPROVVISI (sudden memories) with piano and violins and nr.7 INNO (hymn), a strange possible national hymn played by synthesizers..
Track nr.8 WIE WIRD MEINE ZUKUNFT? represents the first Giorgios song with lyrics written and sung in a different language from Italian.
It is a very strange and complicated song with German lyrics which develops itself in an unexpected way by growing of shoegaze guitars...
Nr.9 IN FONDO ALL'ANIMA (in the bottom of the heart) is a ballad played by three acoustic guitars and voice.....and Nr.10 PENSIERI IMMORTALI (immortal thoughts) is a long piano track with a mysterious end.........................................................
Radioanima (2008)
Dentro ai tuoi sogni (2007)
I colori che cambiano (2006)
Oasi di cemento (2005)