Member Since: 03/03/2007
Band Members: Brian Pike.
Influences: One sound I love above all others is the pealing of distant bells.
My work still has a lot in common with the muddy sound collages featuring church bells that I made as a teenager, using a cheap portable cassette recorder - repetition, a limited palette of sounds and an abiding sense of melancholy.
Where my music has something in common with other people's, it's usually a case of convergent evolution rather than influence. I have a huge music collection, but most of what I listen to has very little to do with the music I produce.
That said, artists I admire, and with whose work my own music has a certain amount in common, include (in no particular order): William Basinski, Akira Rabelais, Richard Chartier, Taylor Deupree, Thomas Koner, Deathprod, Alva Noto, Tetsu Inoue, Pan Sonic, Frank Bretschneider, Andreas Tilliander, Aphex Twin, Steve Reich, Harold Budd, Jon Hassell, Brian Eno and Robert Fripp.
Other musicians whose work I respect, but whose work has - on the surface, at least - rather less in common with my own include David Thomas (Pere Ubu), Bill Laswell, Ryoji Ikeda, The Fall, Eivind Aarset, Arve Henriksen, Steve Tibbetts, Lee 'Scratch' Perry, Hugh Hopper, Stereolab, Spaceheads, To Rococo Rot, Barbara Morgenstern, David Sylvian, Medeski Martin & Wood and Charlie Hunter.
Sounds Like: Brian Pike.
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie