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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I love to write dirty sleazy riffs and songs for my band dragSTER I like Indian food, Bettie Page

sex, inebriation, gigging, and cheescake, if I could have all of these in one night I would be a very happy boy. I am a scatty dork sometimes, one or a mixture of all of these at any one time: funny, generous, inspired, impatient, moody, I analyse everything way too much, I love to party, I am a complete hedonist so friend me bitches.

The kings of punk 'n' roll dragSTER

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Mark Arm

Uma Thurman, Johnny Depp, Morrissey, John Lydon, Peter Kay, Ron Jeremy

My Blog

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