Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Mario Ramirez ...But you can call me Tuco.
Always up for looking for a bit of gold
And people "When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk"
Always up for a joke and a game of poker
Keeping clean for 2008
Murder, assaulting a justice of the peace, raping a virgin of the white race, statuatory rape of a minor of the black race... derailing a train in order to rob the passengers, bank robbery, highway robbery, robbing an unknown number of Post Offices, breaking out of the state prison, using marked cards and loaded dice, promoting prostitution, blackmail, intention of selling fugitive slaves, and counterfeiting. Crimes against places of high authority include burning down the courthouse and sheriff's office in Sonora. The accused is also guilty of cattle rustling, horse thievery, supplying Indians with firearms... misrepresenting himself as a Mexican General, unlawfully drawing salarly and living allowances from the Union Army.