profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Michelle Snow and I'm a freelance journalist - web designer - photographer who loves to travel. Also rating high on my interest meter are family, friends, animals, music, movies and computers.

I always try to give second chances but will never give a third. I can handle just about anything but a person who lies to me. Also not very big on cruelty or bigotry of any kind.

I believe we were put on this earth as unique individuals for a reason and that reason isn't to bomb the hell out of each other. Though I will agree there are some people that need a really good spanking.

I believe age is just a number and I'm on a first name basis with my inner child. So play nice or she may throw a tantrum and call you a doodie-head. :p

I'll also never turn down a good tequila...ask me nicely and I may share my patented recipe for Chelle's Sit-down-ritas (bribe me and I may even share the story of why they're called that).

I'm currently the feature writer for Budget Travel at (as well as a contributor-at-large for the site) and the editor/writer for
Las Vegas Logue . I'm also a regular contributor to Metroblogging Orlando . Upcoming projects include the soon-to-be-live Athena Guides. As if that's not enough, I'm the author of several travel guidebooks.

If you'd like to know more, check out my regular blog or my business site , where you'll find links to more of my writing, my photo portfolio and my web portfolio. I also play around with photography and you can view those shots at my Flickr account.

I'm open to job offers for writing, photography or web and graphic design. But I will NOT use my connections to write gossip or slander for any entertainment website, no matter what the salary. I prefer to deal with fact-based writing, thanks! :)

This layout was designed by me, so please don't steal it. Thanks! :)

From my 2007 fall roadtrip:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

In general, I'm here to make friends (any Browncoats out there?) and possibly network with like-minded people. I like intelligent people with a great sense of humor who see the adventure in life and aren't afraid of it.

But please don't even THINK of contacting me if you tYpE lIkE tHiS or type all in IM speak. If it hurts my eyes to read it, I will hit delete.

I will also hit delete if you're just trying to sell me a home-marketing/ real estate job or some other crap like that. Take your spam and hit the road; this isn't a friendly way-station for you.

I'm also not interested in cyber pick-ups, though I am currently looking for part-time boy toys. Applications will only be accepted in the form of interpretive dance.

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One of the coolest things I got to see in 2007:

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A Few Notes About Leaving Me Comments:
I'm pretty lenient about comments, but if all you're doing is advertising something for sale or just slapping a banner or video up, it's probably going to get deleted. I love hearing from all my friends, but please speak to me and don't just use me to sell your product.

I also will delete any image larger than 400 pixels in width, because it distorts my profile layout. See? Not so bad. ;)

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Ok, so how cool does this trailer for the upcoming Star Trek movie look??

STAR TREK Trailer 2

My Blog

ok, my photo is back

Yes, my photo is back. I still miss gramma terribly, though.Trying to get on with life, which I’m detailing over at Can’t wait to get back to Orlando in April and absolutely c...
Posted by on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 06:13:00 GMT

So who’s the lady in my profile pic?

I've gotten a lot of emails the past few weeks about my new profile pic. Everything ranging from "who's the lady in the pic?" to "why do you make yourself look old in your profile pic?"Ok, so I'm post...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 00:31:00 GMT rises from the ashes

It's true.  I let my personal blog slack over the recent holidays. Mostly due to a combination of work and my father's passing, but for whatever reason, I just didn't blog.This week, however, zen...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 03:41:00 GMT

So what's with the Red Hat??

Since I've gotten quite a few people asking me this, I've decided to address the question here.Simply put...It's all James Gunn's fault. Now stop reading this blog and go to my real one,
Posted by on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 04:08:00 GMT