My name is Michelle Snow and I'm a freelance journalist - web designer - photographer who loves to travel. Also rating high on my interest meter are family, friends, animals, music, movies and computers.
I always try to give second chances but will never give a third. I can handle just about anything but a person who lies to me. Also not very big on cruelty or bigotry of any kind.
I believe we were put on this earth as unique individuals for a reason and that reason isn't to bomb the hell out of each other. Though I will agree there are some people that need a really good spanking.
I believe age is just a number and I'm on a first name basis with my inner child. So play nice or she may throw a tantrum and call you a doodie-head. :p
I'll also never turn down a good tequila...ask me nicely and I may share my patented recipe for Chelle's Sit-down-ritas (bribe me and I may even share the story of why they're called that).
I'm currently the feature writer for Budget Travel at (as well as a contributor-at-large for the site) and the editor/writer for
Las Vegas Logue . I'm also a regular contributor to Metroblogging Orlando . Upcoming projects include the soon-to-be-live Athena Guides. As if that's not enough, I'm the author of several travel guidebooks.
If you'd like to know more, check out my regular blog or my business site , where you'll find links to more of my writing, my photo portfolio and my web portfolio. I also play around with photography and you can view those shots at my Flickr account.
I'm open to job offers for writing, photography or web and graphic design. But I will NOT use my connections to write gossip or slander for any entertainment website, no matter what the salary. I prefer to deal with fact-based writing, thanks! :)
This layout was designed by me, so please don't steal it. Thanks! :)
From my 2007 fall roadtrip: