Jesus, Churchill, Rudyard Kipling, Hitler (what was he thinking? He should have listened to his generals! No trumped-up corporal should lead an army; it's just not the done thing.) Rudolf Hess, just to ask him the real reason(s) he flew to Scotland. Enoch Powell. I'd like to meet Ghandi, but only to slap him around a little. Or a lot. Bloody empire-breaker.Flying Officer Harvey G. Funkhouser, 428 Sqn, RCAF. Shot down on his first operational mission over Hamburg, Germany, the night of 2-3 August, 1943. He was flying Handley Page Halifax Mk V EB212, X1D NA-U Sgt. Ralph Brennan, Royal Canadian Army, died of wounds, Holland, 09 February 1945. Sub-Lieutenant James Wilson, RCNVR, lost at sea, Battle of the Atlantic. Anyone who landed at Dieppe.Oh, and whoever posted this sign: And these guys: They're brilliant, devilishly attractive, and their sh*t don't stink!