I am very bad with people's name and faces, combine that with people's costume and wig, chances are unless I physically seen you at least 3 times I wouldn't recognize you.People that can attest to the above statement.
Direct copy&paste from my LJ since I'm not very creative at all.
- Most people know me by Muze.
- I'm Chinese.
- I fly out of country alot.
- I'm on AIM/MSN 80% of the day.
- I'm a social drinker.
- I quit smoking.
- If you ask I'll probably add you.
- I only add people that I don't sharing my life experience. (or I simply think you're cool)
- If I have to constantly make a filter post to exclude you (for not happy reason), then I will un-friend you.
- If I don't friend you back is most likely I don't know you enough.
- I pretty much friended everyone on there, but IT DOESN"T MEAN WE'RE REALLY FRIENDS.
- You can find the high-rez version of any picture I taken on it.
- I started cosplaying since April 2007
- I can't sew.
- I can make prop.
- I value accuracy greatly and anal down to tiny detail if possible.
- I'm about 4 out of 5 superficial.
- I started photography August 18th, 2007
- 2 of my most worked coser are ming and shiya.
- My main body are Canon EOS D30 and EOS 5D.
- My prime lens is EF 16-35mm 2.8 L.
- I'm a fan of wide angle.
- I shoot for the concept rather than the costume.
- I try to watch the series before shoots if possible.
- I don't charge, I make enough $ on my own.
- I dislike "photoshoot" consist of random snap shots/plain pose.
- I enjoy having my sets with different comprehending backdrop.
- You have every right to ask me to shoot you and I have every right to not shoot you.