UPDATE 08/13/08: TIOS Tacoma WAS a free monthly magazine, and it was amazing. We lasted a year and a half before financial burden shut us down. Thanks so much for everyone who believed in us and showed your support. It sincerely means the world to me. I'm going to leave the site up, because it's still a way for people to stay connected, and this may not be good-bye forever.
-R. Baker
TIOS Tacoma is a free, monthly magazine spawned from "The Industry of Sound," and brought to life by everyday people.
Though we focus heavily on Tacoma, we're here to bring a voice to all of Pierce County. We wholeheartedly believe in freedom of speech and freedom of press.
You have a voice, and you have the right to use it unedited.
We may not agree with everything printed, but we're not afraid to ruffle a few feathers. People should form an opinion and have the freedom to choose for themselves what they wish to read and what they don't wish to read.
Your Featured Model
Where You Can Find TIOS Tacoma
6th Ave
Corina Cake Bakery
Hob Nob
Delbroccos Pizza
Hell's Kitchen
House of Tattoo
O'Malley's Irish Pub
Rocket Records
Shakabrah Java
The Red Hot
Vanity Boutique
Guitar Maniacs
Infinite Soups
Juniore Bizarre
What Shoppe
Inside Sanford and Son
   Country Girl Gardens
   Dreamer's Chant Tattoo
   Mondo Bizarro
   Tracy Marie's Day Spa
S. Tacoma Way
Other Locations
Bob's Java Jive
Club Vertigo
Dawson's Tavern
Elmo's Adult Books
Friendly Duck
Golden West
Musician's Exchange
Oasis Tavern
The Opal
Station 56
True To Traditions Tattoo
    The Right Spot
    Elmo's Adult Books
    Longhorn Saloon
    Maggie O'Toole's
    Oh Gallager's
    The Schooner
Old Town
    Wows etc.
Pacific Ave.
    2 Feet Skate Shop