hello all. we are flight-001 and we love you. we started making music because we could not find the music that we wanted to listen to. you know, asking questions like why cant a folk singer sing with dirty south hip hop music? why cant we combine a bass guitar and a cello on the same track?Why cant we make an entire song out of a sample of a raindrop?why does a song have to be 3 and a half to 4 and a half mins only? So we decided to make what we wanted to hear. and flight-001 was born.we have no set style or purpose for our music other then pure enjoyment. Thus the lack of face time.we believe the music should speak for itself without pictures. just sound. because of that we have a wide range of listeners and a small amount of friends. which is exactly how it should it. at least we think so.ok thats enough words for a long long long time. enjoy the musicflight-001and if you are reading this you already know we tried to hide it in black text on a black background so you must go down.. thats right its time for the fist to cuffs..
go to the official flight-001 website a