Loads 'a FREE TRACKS / b-sides available on wordpress....
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FELLOWS OF THE MELLOW .... Some special CD's are available to order at a v. minimal price, including a FREE download album at LULU.com. Please visit Wordpress site for more info...
....Solo music can feel like tapping into the natural energies or raw currents of the world..... Embertime is a mellow guitar project, distilled and bottled into a digital cellar, for times of quiet, mature drinking ....(something like this)..... I grew up with sci-fi and fantasy movies like Jim Henson's 'The Dark Crystal', so some of the tracks feature samples from the films.....more recently, Ursula le Guin's series of 'Earthsea' books.
Started with simple recordings under the name 'Sonobuoy' at Chester University and its music scene 2000-2.... Outlines have evolved with improved equipment into pieces with some lyrics and song structures. Final album of seriously distilled tracks, all still personally recorded, will be available 2010, marking the end of the project. There should be many b-sides from this available for use in mixes and as freely usable rhythms and skeleton improvisations.