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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my layout at .. , check out these Myspace Layouts! u guys wanna know about me fame is my obession wealth my intoxication fear my weapon the world is at my feet fate at my fingertips and in my arms?hahi enjoy filrting with death and living life on my terms i..m not stubborn about winning but then again its a habit! Come on guys! take a guess who..s back who am i ? u guys wanna know about me fame is my obession wealth my intoxication fear my weapon the world is at my feet fate at my fingertips and in my arms?hahi enjoy filrting with death and living life on my terms i..m not stubborn about winning but then again its a habit! Come on guys! take a guess who..s back who am i ? ..-=�=- V3rY Fr!3ndLy -=�=- -=�=- FuN LoV!nG -=�=- -=�=- CoOl M!nd3D -=�=- -=�=- Fr33 $p!r!t3d -=�=- -=�=- $3n$!t!v3 -=�=- -=�=- $w33t -=�=- -=�=- AdOr@bL3 -=�=- -=�=- I m Ju$t tOo GoooOoooD -=�=-i am sizzziling... * . + . * + + * . *.+. + . . * + . + * . * + * . Gentlemen+ * .* + * * . + . . * + . + * . * + . + , * . + * + * + . . * + . + * . * + .* + . * + . * * + . * kind.* . + * * + . . * + * * . + * .*. . * + * * + . *+ * + . . * + . + * . * + . . +... * . + * Cool. * + + * . *.+. + . . * + . + * . * + + . . * + . + * . * + . + , * . + * + * + . . * + . + * amazing. * + .* + . * + . * * + . * . . + * * + . . * + * * . + * .*. . * + * * + . *+ * + . . * + . + * . * + . . +... + * . + * + * + . . * + . + * . * + .* + . * + . * Rocking * + . * . . + * * + . . * + * * . + * .*. . * + * + . *+ * + . . * + . + * . * + . . +... * . + . * + + * . *.+. + . . * + . + * .smart * + * . + * . * + * * . + . . * + . + * . * + . * + . * * + . * . . + * * + .cheerful . * + *__00000__________________________ _00____________________________ _00________00000_________________ _00_______00___00__________________ __00000___00___00__________________ __________00___00__________________ __________00___00__00000___________ ___________00000__00___00__________ __________________00___00__________ __________________00___00__00______ __________________00___00__00______ ___________________00000___00______ ___________________________00______ ___________________________000000000_______0000000000______0 000000000______ _____000________000__000________000____ ____000___________0000___________000___ ___000_____________00_____________000__ ___000____________________________000__ ___000____________________________000__ ____000___________fR��dS__________000__ _____000__________LOVE...________000___ ______000_______________________000____ ________000___________________000______ ______________ 000______000____________ _________________00000000______________ ___________________0000________________ ____________________00_________________ ...m@ moR3 Qu@l!T!E$:_SwEtY... LoVeLy ... DaRliNg .... AdOrAblE .. CuTiE... CaRiNg ..... BeAutifUL...... InTeLLiGeNt... HoTT... .. iNnOcEnT... GrAcEfULL... sweEt nAtUrEd .... AngElic... teNdEr-hEaRtEd.... UnDeRsTanDiNg ..... gorgeous ..... AwEsome..... LullaBy ...... GraCiOus ..... ChOcoLaTe..... KiND HeArtEd...... LiVeLy..

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

YOU ;)

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