Paul Rodriguez,started playing drums when he was 4 years old.He played many different styles of music to Melodic metal from Jazz , Latin Jazz, fusion etc.. His principal influences were many: Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater, Vinnie Paul, Igor Calavera, but also jazz drummers like Vinnie Colauita,Thomas Lang, Steve Gadd, Greg Bisonette,Neil Peart and others.Now he is playing in many projects, but in particular with his band named "A kind Of" , wich is a French band infuenced by many groups as Dream theater, Herbie hancock , Machine Head, Opeth, Pito perez, Lamb of god , Casiopea. The name of the band came from the fact that the band plays a lot of different music Kinds .. etc .He also played with the Portuguese bass player Bruno Do Nascimento in a fusion project, but band had to get seprated because of some little problems with the guitar player.But life is a long way and it is better to carrie on." Maybe I played diffrent styles, but each one was a rich land to discover and maked me learn more about the fascinating world that music is"
Carpe DiemPaul Rodriguez
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