I'm a 23 year old, single mother...been through a lot in my life but I'm greatfull for all the bad and the good times because all my experiences continue to help me grow...I've made some major mistakes in my life and burned some bridges I can't say I'm proud of..but I accept the consequences of my actions and continue to move forward, for there is no reason to dwell on that which you can not change...all we can do is attempt to prepare for the future and try our best not make the same mistakes...I party a lot and I guess you could say I'm kind of an alcoholic, well not really cuz alcoholics go to meetings...lol...sometimes my drinkin can get me in trouble or cause me to do wild things, but hey like I said before, we only live once, might as well enjoy what little time we have been granted on this Earth, for only one thing is guaranteed in life and that is death...as far as relationships go...I truely believe no relationship in life is worth continuing unless it continues to bring something positive to your life once the postitive turns to negative, then it is time to let it burn...We don't need others to bring us down cuz we can do that on our own if that's what we wanted...I'm truely over unnecessary drama...just don't need it in my life...
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