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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Born & raised in Klaksvík, Fraoe Islands. I am the oldest of 5. I have 3 sisters and one brother and I love them very much. Married to Hardi, the love of my life. We have 3 boys, they are our soul, spirit & life. I am a skin therapist, with my own buinses. Music is very important to me, I love music. I cant say that I like a particular genre. But I like to listen to music that is "well made" by people who know what they are doing. I'm a singer, love to sing. Mostly in the shower thoug. But it doesn't matter, when I sing I'm the shower or on a big stage :)) I am curious by nature. Love to trawel...I perfer the journey for the destination. My favorite destination has to be USA. Been there once, and cant wait to go again. I love chocolate. I love being sourounded by friends and family, I dont like being alone. I love animals. I have 2 ginnie pigs and a fish. What else...hmmm...I love life and I want to live as much as I can, but at the same time life scares me. I hate being afraid, althoug this is an integrated part of who I am. I want to see an angel, I never have yet, but I cant wait untill I do. I love angel storys, so if you have one than tell me plz. I'm also a healthfreak but I cant stop eating chocolate and ice cream. That's me a living contradict! Last but most important, to describe who I was, who I am and who I will become : I belive in Jesus.

Myspace Layouts at / Here in your arms

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All mothers and all women of the world. Old friends, people I have'nt seen in a long time. That's here on myspace. If I could pic anyone I wantet to meet I would probably pic Jesus...If not Him than an angel. I always have had a wish of meeting an angel. I dont know that I have had the plesaure yet. Well maby...I have a little sister, I sometimes wonder if she is an angel.
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My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 17:53:00 GMT

Lívið uttan sukur update!

Tað skuldi vera 40 dagar uttan sukur. Nú er tað nógv meir enn 40 dagar síðan eg byrjaði og tað eitur ikki longur lívið uttan lívið uttan sukur og hveiti.Eg taki munnin ov fullan vissi eg s...
Posted by on Sat, 26 May 2007 02:20:00 GMT

Hvespir og humlibiðir..

Danmark er eitt lekkurt land, serliga nú tá sólin byrjar at senda sínar heitu strálir niður á meg. Mær dámar væl varma, og sera illa kulda. MEN, eg eri bangin fyri hvepsum og øllum sum líkist og kann ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 02:09:00 GMT

Saturday in Cph.

How wonderful... a whole day with nothing else to do than to be with Hardi and our boys. I'm so happy, to have this oppourtunity. The sun is shining and everything is calm and peaceful. My mind wander...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 06:25:00 GMT