I love animals, I love music and movies all kinds, drama, horror, comedies,like the classic 16 Candles, or a great old movie like Gone with the Wind, or the classic horror like the original Omen, and Pyscho.To Goodfellas and the Scarface
Anything from blues to jazz to rap depending on my mood and what i am doing at the time. I Listen to everything from Barry Manilow to Garth Brooks to Eminem to Styx to Poison , Hinder, Bobby Brown his old music, Guns N Roses, Van Halen,Journey,Billy joel,Bon Jovi, Elton John Police, Stones, Beaatles, Beat Merchants.
Still would have to say Gone with the Wind as my favorite it reminds me of being little and watching it every year on tv with my mom. But i enjoy all kinds of movies from action to horror to romance i love them all.
I read a lot of different authors too many to list most are murder mystery books, Some John Grishim, all of Deen Koonz, and many others.
My mother, she is the most giving, caring, loving person,she has never asking for anything in return. Someday, I hope to be half the person that she is.