I like having fun with family and friends, rock music, and sports--Go Houston Dynamo and Texans!I've been playing guitar for 20 years and I continue to play music with my band 'Spliffer' on Houston's northside. Check out our dates at myspace.com/splifferrocks.Grew up in Spranng, TX but have lived in Atlanta, Birmingham, Raleigh and San Antone (I hate the Spurs). I love to travel and have had the privilege of visiting a shit load of places including--Paris, Germany, Austria, Amsterdamn 3x, CaboWabo 12x, Rome, Rio de Janeiro 2x, Costa Rica 2x, Machu Pichu, Venezuela, Hawaii, Chile 2x, Spain and many more. Next on list Prague, China, Thailand.Now have 2 kids and beautiful wife so traveling is put on hold until the kids are older to enjoy.Rick n Roll
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