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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello there! How are you? Welcome to my space. This cyber window allows us to meet, as it were, if you like what you see, then why not add me?
OK, so where shall I begin? This is now the updated version and of late there hasn't been much sculpting as I'm in full employment and loving it! I'm working for Nemesis Now as New Product Development Manager, so if you're reading this and have any funky new ideas, then get in touch.
Most of what you can see of my work was geared towards the gift market (I've been in it longer than I care to tell) I'm not complaining, it's just that it hasn't left me a lot of free time to do my own thing, as it were. It isn't what I started off doing, I just kind of fell into it. I thoroughly enjoy what I do, being able to create something from raw materials is one of the most fulfilling things one can do. I'm a laid back kind of person, that's not to say I don't fret about things, I do! But I like to think of myself as easy going? And
I still sketch dragons, but these days purely for my own entertainment. The ones mainly here were for the product range 'Enchantica' which I've been associated with since the late Eighties.
As you can see by the various slide shows, I think they'll give you some idea of what I do?
I'm married to Maggie, my one true love and soul-mate, we share our home with Mollie (Maggie's daughter), as well as Shady, one heck of a cool cat...OK, roll photo's!

Some time ago had great fun helping a colleague out with a couple of projects. One was, to make a video for a Robbie Williams competition. Chris Stone directed and edited the video, whilst I had great pleasure in sculpting the puppet, as well as puppeteering. Chris came second in the competition, beating entries from around the world. Well done Chris! The other was a mini Roman epic 'Anno Domini' (yes, thats me, albeit briefly, in full Roman armour). Check the trailer & finished Robbie video below, enjoy. PLUS! The brand new video of' Writers Block' by Tesco Chainstore Mascara (Maggie's very talented brother and sister-in-law, David & Katie)
Anymore you want to know? Then get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.
'No Strings Attached' by Robbie Williams
Anno Domini Trailer
Writer's Block by Tesco Chainstore Mascara
Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

An alien,a dog that can whistle, a dinosaur (well, a small one to start with), King Kong, Hellboy, a great white shark, Batman, A client that pays on time! Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Hayao Miyazaki, Kevin Smith, Sean Connery, Martin Scorsese, Peter Kay (fellow Boltonian), Brian Froud, Guillermo Del Toro, John Williams, Robert DeNiro, H.R.Giger, Al Pacino, Alan Lee, Billy Connolly, Joss Whedon, George Lucas, Woody Allen, Johnny Depp (If only to buy him a drink), Luc Besson, Olivia, Lee Evans, The team at WETA, Ray Harryhausen, Christopher Lee, Jack Nicholson, Jim Carrey, Michael Moore, Tim Burton, Tom Savini, Bettie Page, Neil Armstrong.

Jim Henson, Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, Groucho Marx, Vincent van Gogh, Renoir, Leonardo DaVinci, Orson Welles, Charlie Chaplin, Abbott & Costello, Curly, Larry & Moe, Peter Cushing, Chuck Jones, John Lennon, Truman Capote, Jules Verne & Edgar Allan Poe (just to see if I could cheer the bugger up)...the last lot are on the list, should I get to heaven, ok?

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My Blog

Calling all Artists & Designers!

This blog is sent in my administrative role of New Product Development Manager of the company I work for Nemesis Now Ltd, here in the UK, but that doesn't restict anyone outside the UK from getting in...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 10:40:00 GMT